• SoylentBlake
    6 months ago

    You’re correct, the system is designed to extract all value from us before we die. Or, as we are starting to see, states are starting to sue estates to recover costs to Medicaid.

    If the working class can never rise out of its situation, can never pass any wealth on to families then we need to legislate the same thing for the rich. That no one inherits anything and everyone plays the same game.

    Which I think is stupid, but I also wouldn’t be playing. It is more fair than capitalism now, which can go fuck itself off a cliff. Burn the banks to the ground

    The greatest thing that could ever happen to the working class is for someone or some country to detonate an EMP above Omaha and wipe clean every hard drive in one go. A strong enough solar storm could do it too, also acceptable. Or maybe the first quantum computed AI computer virus, just fucking wipes EVERYONES computers. World over.

    Fucking Jubilee, jubilee!