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The original was posted on /r/bestofredditorupdates by /u/LucyAriaRose on 2024-05-06 06:00:38.

I am NOT the Original Poster. That is u/stellactqm. She posted in r/amiwrong

Thanks to r/Literally_Taken for the rec!

Mood Spoiler: schadenfreude; happy ending

Original Post: April 25, 2024

Title: Am I wrong for telling a classmate she doesn’t own sci-fi?

I’m (21f) in university studying journalism. This semester, we have a creating writting class. One assignment is a free piece. We can write about whatever we want as long as it’s 1500 words long and fictional.

We have a forum to post drafts of our stories and receive feedback from classmates. I posted a rough 1st draft of my story a few days ago. It’s about a distant future where a small group of humans live on mars in a compound and believe they are alone in the universe, when in reality, they are subjects of an experiment. (I know, very original, but I was lacking inspiration and it was the first thing that popped into my mind).

I received an email from one of my classmates. I do not know that girl. I’ve seen her in class but have never interacted with her. She called me out for plagiarizing her work and cc’d the lecturer. I checked out her work in the forum and the only resemblance was that it took place in the future and in space. I answered her email saying that she doesn’t own the sci-fi genre and linked both of our stories in the reponse.

We haven’t heard from the lecturer yet, but she messaged me privately saying that I humiliated her in front of our lecturer and could get her penalized. Now I feel bad about it. I don’t want her to not get her fair shot.

Was I wrong for saying this with the lecturer in copy?

Edit: typo

Update to answer some questions:

-No I did not look at her draft before writing mine. I never look at the forum before drafting because 1. I don’t want to be influenced. 2. A lot of people are much better writers than I am and I don’t want to feel discouraged.

-I didn’t involve the lecturer. I answered her email in which he was already cc’d.

-The punishment for plagiarism is expulsion with academic penalty. Our university also uses an “anti plagiarism” software to compare our papers with existing material.

Hope this clarifies a few things.

Relevant Comments:

Commenter: NTA. She gets the lecturer involved and then complains that your reply is also CCd to them? What did she expect a. to achieve b. to happen?

OOP: I don’t know. Maybe she genuinely thinks that I plagiarized her, and maybe I should apologize if that’s the case. Honestly, if I believed someone had commited something as serious as plagiarism, I would also get the lecturer involved.

Commenter: Plagiarism is far more serious an issue than being embarrassed. F’off.

OOP: After seeing the responses I know that all of you are right. Wether she actually believes I plagiarized her or she was being malicious, plagiarism is a serious offense and it shouldn’t be tossed around like that.

Commenter: You are not wrong you just defend yourself with evidence.

OOP: Hopefully the lecturer sees it that way too. Maybe the snarky wording was uncalled for/unnecessary

Commenter: NTA. But as a journalist of near 40 years, I’m confused as to why you have an assignment to write fiction?! 

OOP: My degree is in Communication and my major is journalism, but we still get about one class per semester that isn’t directly journalism related. For example, last year, I had to take a creative communication class where we explored different creative/unorthodox ways to communicate to different audiences and for various purposes. I like the diversity in the degree as it allows us to expand our horizon and be more open-minded.

Commenter: You did nothing wrong. The way she attacked you and “told on you” to the lecturer makes me wonder if she copied the story from someone’s else story and wanted to get ahead of it by trying to make it look like you stole her story. Just a thought.

OOP: Oh I did not think of that. I don’t think she would risk being expelled though but that’s an interesting train of thought

Update (Same Post): April 26, 2024 (Next Day)

Thank you all for your messages, it made me realize that hurting her feelings is not nearly as bad as accusing (especially falsely) someone of plagiarism. Thanks also to the people who made very funny comments.

I haven’t heard back from the lecturer but I did receive another message from the girl. She told me that I ruined her life and never to contact her again or else. I haven’t responded to either messages but took some of your advice and screenshoted the conversation for proof in case I need it. I don’t know what she meant by that but I have a feeling I’ll find out since our class together is on Monday.

Update Post: April 29, 2024 (4 days from OG post)

Hello all.

So I posted a few days ago. The post is titled “Am I wrong for telling my classmate she doesn’t own sci-fi?” A few people asked for an update so here it is.

To summarize very quickly, we both wrote sci-fi stories for a creative writing class. They are nothing alike, except for the setting. She accused me of plagiarism in an email with our lecturer in copy and I answered with both of our stories linked saying she doesn’t own the sci-fi genre. She replied to me privately saying that I embarassed her with my comment.

So to the update:

She sent me a private message a couple of days ago saying that I ruined her life and to never contact her again, “or else”.

Yesterday was our class together and she wasn’t there. However I could see the two girls she usually sits and hangs out with giving me the stink eye. I figured she must have told them.

After class, I went to see my professor and asked him about the email because, frankly, I was still worried. He said that he read both stories over the weekend and I have nothing to worry about. He also advised me to never have any other comunication with my classmate. I, half-jokingly and half-seriously, told him I wasn’t planning to, especially after she basically threatened me. He asked me what I was talking about so I showed him the message. He asked that I send this to him and the ethics committee’s email! I did so when I went home.

I heard some chatter throughout the day and our entire class received an email about cheating and plagiarism. As it turns out, she plagiarized her story! Her sister had written the story when she was in university a few years back and she had stolen it and submitted it as her own, thinking no one would notice as it had been a certain number of years. Well, after the incident, our lecturer used the anti-plagiarism software on our stories and found out about her cheating. Her situation is now being assessed by the ethics committee. She could be expelled.

I don’t know why she flipped this on me. Maybe it was projection? Or she wanted someone else to take the blame? Anyway, I’m off the hook and will promptly forget about her.

Thanks everyone for your kind and eye-opening comments and advice, it was a nice read. Hope y’all a wonderful life.

Relevant Comments:

Commenter: It baffles me to think what she was expecting when accusing you! Anyway, you did right and that is all that shoud matter to you…

OOP: I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about it and the only thing that makes sense would be that she thought I would get blamed instead of her or I would get penalized for plagiarism and people would not notice hers. But even that is a stretch…

Commenter: Anti-plagiarism software has been in use for more than a decade, now, and it has become quite a powerful tool. Obviously, writing created for any specific university or college will be available for search. The majority of plagiarism at higher education institutions is committed by students submitting well-graded work from a student that previously took that class. It surprises me that any university student wouldn’t know that.

OOP: Honestly, I’m not even sure how it works. All I know is that when I submit any type of written work, I receive an automatic email telling me how much my work is similar to other material in percentage.

Commenter: I think that the cheating classmate checked out the rest of the class, saw that your story had a similar theme, panicked that the basic similarities would instigate a plagiarism investigation and then tried to get out in front of it. Probably hoping that the teacher would see it was a baseless claim and leave it at that, therefore both stories would be deemed original.

OOP: That’s another possibility. Some people in the comments have suggested others. I guess we’ll never know

Commenter: Pure projection. Get your story out about how you were accused of plagiarism when she was the one doing it. You don’t want her “friends” to control the narrative.

OOP: Honestly, I don’t really care about that. My “social life” at the university is pretty much non existent. I almost exclusively hang out with people outside of the university. The ethics committee will decide her fa…

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