• Comment105
    3 hours ago

    Is that literal appeal to authority supposed to make me respectful? I don’t care what this article is like, whether you’d vouch for it or not, I still won’t read the majority of articles linked to, anywhere.

    I stand by my judgment of the medium, I think it’s at a serious low point.

    (I notice I’ve written “roughly three years” when the article was talking about a few thousand days, not a thousand days. I missed that bit. I went on a bit too much of a tangent about consciousness, and I had some grammar/spelling errors. (Still a fan of swype typing, but it has been an issue.))

    The reason I wrote what I wrote is mostly a response to the idea that you should always read the linked article. I just don’t fucking agree, and I’m deeply disappointed in how generally bad the writing profession has become. It’s easier than it’s ever been to become a published author and a professional writer for a paper/magazine/website, and it shows. This crowded mess of garbage bothers me enough to compel me to write that kind of reply.

    But I looked up this Gerard guy, seems he’s mostly known as a critic of crypto grifters. At least we agree on that.

    I don’t know if I’ll bother reading his article, make an exception. If you think it’s exceptional, then maybe.