• surph_ninja@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Considering my goal is to get people to realize they’re both fascist parties, “but Trump” and “but Obama” provide me an identical opening for discussion either way.

      • Microplasticbrain
        3 months ago

        Ok Ill be charitable, make your argument as to how they are both fascist parties.

        • surph_ninja@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Which party doesn’t support the genocide in Palestine? Which party opposes indefinite war? Which supports defunding bloated police budgets? Which will strike down the Patriot Act? Which one is working to shutdown overseas US black sites and torture facilities? Which one supports ending state sanctioned piracy of Syrian oil? Which supports ending the illegal sanctions on socialist and communist countries? Which supports the ICC warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant? Which party wants to end the exemption for arming Nazis, which we had to make for Ukraine? Which is calling for an end to The Hague Invasion Act? Which wants to end corporations selling tracking data to the government to get around the fourth amendment?

          Let’s just make it straightforward: which tenant of fascism does not apply to either party?

          • Microplasticbrain
            3 months ago

            You need to work on how your messaging comes across. Look at that comment you just posted, is it inviting and engaging?

            Does it spur a curiosity in the reader?

            Imagine your talking to someone and they just start spewing points like this, how much of it actually permeates your mind and how much of it is just ignored because of how it feels to be talked at like this.

            It almost reminds me of those jesus “end is nigh” people with the signs of all those listed sins we’re going to hell for.

            It overwhelms people and causes them to put their guard up.

            I actually agree with you on some of those points that I know about, but I think it would benefit your cause to improve your communication it comes across too aggressive.

            I agree the Democrats suck and we need to replace them, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to go about that.

            With “citizens united” money is speech and these parties are deeply entrenched, if a third party were to emerge it would need to raise a lot of money just to have a voice.

            But obviously pulling the democrats left has largely been a failure as they are simply another corporation that raises money through donations and fundraising against orange badman.

            I think a progressive third party split needs to happen, ideally all the conservative Democrats would go into the Republican party where they belong and they can moderate the fear right (autocorrected far right but im leaving it). A progressive party would lose for decades until all the boomers and enough genx are gone and eventually start winning majorities if the kids haven’t gotten too deepfried by then.

            I dunno man I think were cooked to be honest. People are too dumb to vote in their own self interest and we just keep defunding education.

            On top of all this we have bullshit like the electoral college just fucking us because dumbasses are overrepresented.

            There are just so many layers of conservative capture in this country.

            I think people need hope (cope) and this both sides are the same attitude is just really defeatist and harms progressives. I think most of us realize how hard of a climb this is for progressives and saying both sides are fascist is more harmful to the left than you might think.

            We need to fight progressive apathy not feed it.

            • surph_ninja@lemmy.world
              3 months ago

              I don’t give a fuck how it comes across. I’m not trying to make friends. I’m trying to wake people up to reality.

              We’re living under fascism. We can’t vote our way out of this. That doesn’t mean there’s no way out. It just can’t be done within the system.