The biggest concern I have with Keepass is if the database gets corrupted, I can’t access anything.
So I end up doing two different databases: one for everyday use and a second database for critical “identity” functions like banking, Google, etc.
I’m almost at the point of wondering if it needs some sort of text-based backups (json or something similar) that can be encrypted and backed up in multiple places.
Im on keepassxc i dont trust the internet with my passwords. I dont even trust my server.
The biggest concern I have with Keepass is if the database gets corrupted, I can’t access anything.
So I end up doing two different databases: one for everyday use and a second database for critical “identity” functions like banking, Google, etc.
I’m almost at the point of wondering if it needs some sort of text-based backups (json or something similar) that can be encrypted and backed up in multiple places.