Source (Bluesky)

Look at the alt text of the 4th panel, absolute gold.

  • peto (he/him)
    1 month ago

    A lot of their trouble is that they see the art as being the thing that the artist makes, the product, and believe that it is something an artist jealously hoards unless paid sufficiently to part with some of it. Capitalist brain rot basically, but most of these folk are so deeply immersed in capitalism they can only think in those terms.

    Likewise artists who have grown used to being paid for their art see their livelihoods threatened, not because thier ability to make art is being taken, but because they can no longer control access to the product of art. Those who appreciate the process will still try to buy their work, but that is a much smaller market and it’s only going to shrink as artists need to push up the per piece price because they can’t sell in bulk to corps.

    Of course I think we can keep furry smut in business. Even if we don’t buy often there are a lot of us, and I think we can maintain a culture of favouring human process.