I can fall asleep almost anywhere. I routinely fall asleep in the break room at work. Once, I was helping a friend fix his car, and I fell asleep on his garage floor when he went inside to get water.

But in a hot metal tube tearing through the sky, with my neck all kinked? Get out of here, man.

  • thelastknowngod
    1 year ago

    I honestly have never had a problem sleeping on planes. If I’m tired before I get to the airport, I can often sleep through takeoff. On short flights I’ve only woken up after the plane lands.

    For long haul flights I typically look to see what the local time of my destination will be when I arrive. If it’s at night, I stay awake for the whole flight so I can crash as soon as I get where I’m going. If morning, I’ll sleep the whole way so I can start the day fresh-ish. It really cuts down on jetlag.

    For context, I got a remote job in 2016 and went full digital nomad basically until covid hit. I was living out of a single suitcase and flying once a month on average. I genuinely love flying. Pretty over the whole fascination with travel though… In some ways it kinda ruins you. Now I’ll only go somewhere if there are things I know I can only buy in the destination or if I’m going to visit friends or family. I have zero interest left for any tourist destinations, historical sites, museums, etc…