The Red Vineyards near Arles​, a painting made by Vincent van Gogh in November 1888, in Arles, when Vincent was living in relative happiness with Gauguin (but only a month before he would cut off his left earlobe in a fit that has never been fully understood).

The Red Vineyards near Arles was sold by Vincent’s brother Theo, in February 1890, for 400 francs. As far as is known, it is the only painting of Vincent’s that was sold in his lifetime. It is now in the collection of the Pushkin Museum, Moscow.

  • craftyindividualM
    1 year ago

    Yeah I always thought the brother was acting in his best interests, but it could be a case of investing so much effort in crazy Vince and expecting something in return. I have no idea how van Gogh made a ends meet in France, unless it was all just pocket money from the brother? And kindness of the locals.

    Brother Theo died at 33 from late stage syphilis (ouch!) and no doubt it must have interfered with his judgement.

    Heh, the “looney bin” there’s a British expression (even a specifically family one). I often assume I’m talking exclusively to Americans on Lemme.