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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/sellerspeters on 2023-09-15 02:10:48.

My husband (37m) and I (35f) are big literature nerds and we have twins (10m) named after two protagonists in a formerly semi-obscure book we both loved growing up. The names are quite uncommon so you would only recognize them if you were a fan of the book, or at least that’s what we thought before the book was adapted into video format. Note that our children were born BEFORE the book was adapted, we did not think it would ever get a screen adaptation.

Our logic for naming our twins those names is because one of the co-authors said before that originally the characters were supposed to be just one character, but eventually was split into two.

We thought they had a very touching platonic bond and did not expect that this dynamic would change but turns out the characters became a popular fanpairing online. I did not see it that way but the actors and directors kinda leaned in that direction initially and I assumed it was just fanservice because there was nothing definitive.

I found out recently that now the characters’ relationship has been changed and that instead of being platonic they are now blatantly depicted to be in love with each other and have even kissed on screen.

This has been a shock to me and my husband and his family in particular has been less than enthusiastic about this turn of events. They initially did not want us to name our twins those names and are now saying our twins from then on will be associated with incest because of our naming choices.

Thankfully our children are not aware yet of this since they’re young but I’m worried they’ll be teased relentlessly in upcoming years.

AITA for naming my kids after characters who are now associated with each other romantically?

EDIT: There were no romantic undertones in the book btw, at no point do the characters show any sexual interest in each other. They start and end the book as best friends.