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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/captivebear on 2023-09-17 07:44:29.

My husband and I live in an area with bad schools, so to give her a better chance at getting into a good college we were going to have her live with my brother, his wife, and their kids during the school year and stay with us during the summer.

My daughter and I were going to stay at his house for one night just to tour a couple different schools and head back the next morning. That night my SIL decided something wasn’t right with her and took her to a hospital (we already signed the papers allowing them to take her). My husband and I were blamed for her health issues and my brother and SIL got custody of my daughter. They made some wild accusations to CPS and my step kids are now with their mom full time. I have not seen or heard from any of the kids since then.

My brother reached out and said that my daughter was missing a couple sentimental items and asked if I could mail them. I said no, she won’t get them back until she tells CPS the truth and gets everyone back home.

They’re telling the family I’m withholding a teddy bear and blanket from my sick daughter and making up shit about me and my husband mistreating the kids.

I’m now getting backlash from the family for not sending my daughter her stuff even though she’s putting us through a lot right now.