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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Only_Option_996 on 2023-10-06 18:22:14.

I 18F am in my freshman year of college. There’s this girl (name) who’s autistic and I chat with her often because she’s very nice and has a hard time making friends.

There’s a study area that I go to for studying because I’ve heard that studying in your dorm room is distracting. I found a nice little spot there hidden from everyone so I’m not distracted. One day (name) found me there and wanted to chat. I had fun and talked with her.

The next day I’m sitting at the spot and she comes up. I make small talk but then tell her that I have to focus on studying so I can’t chat anymore. She said ok, but proceeded to stand right above me staring at what I was doing. I didn’t want to seem rude and ignore her so I just chatted with her until she went away. This proceeded to happen several more times throughout the week. She would walk up to me and when I tried to hint at her to go away, she would continue to talk to me.

Yesterday I went to the study spot and she was sitting there. I acted nice, I know it’s not MY spot obviously, so I found another one on the other side of the building. She. Found It. And talked to me. I took off my headphones and told her that I like her as a person but I can’t keep talking like this when I need to study. I’ll admit I had a rude tone of voice because I was very annoyed. She started to get visibly upset and overwhelmed. She said that she wants to spend time with me. I got really stressed out not sure what to do, so I got up to leave. She grabbed my bag and I grabbed her wrist to remove her hand. She started yelling and making noises. I made a scared noise and then practically jogged away. I remember this moment for moment because I feel so bad about it.

She told her mom, who contacted someone, and now I have a scheduled meeting with the communications advisor next week. She emailed me about it and said she wanted to ask me some questions about the “incident” that happened with my classmate. I have no idea what she told her, and I feel horrible. She must have felt extremely rejected and upset, and I was so rude just because I was annoyed. AITA?

Edit it’s important for me to make it clear that she wasn’t trying to steal my backpack or hurt me by grabbing me. When I turned around after she grabbed it, she was smiling. I think she was trying to have fun with me but didn’t understand that I was very bothered