Post your list in the comments!

  • captain_lime
    1 year ago

    I would definitely like to see all of the above in the next civ game at some point. They’re nice touchstones and any civ game feels incomplete at best without them and many more. At worst, without them feels like a statement. Anyways, if it were up to me, I’d like to see some more African civs (like Great Zimbabwe, Ashanti, and Nigeria, Madagascad), some more Islamic civs (Yemen, Timurids, Morocco, Somalia), some more Native North Americans (Salish, Cree, Sioux, Mississippians), and the full gamut of Ancient Fertile Crescent civs (Hittites, Assyria, Sumer, Akkad, Babylon, Phoenicia). You’ll also note that I tried to pick cool leaders who have never appeared in the game before, which I think was an admirable goal they didn’t quite follow through with in Civ 6.