• centof
    10 months ago

    There is some truth to that as most countries people think of as socialistic like USSR and China follow(ed) a policy of state atheism where they tried to reduce religious belief in the society. Counties like these tend to to be pretty authoritarian.

    But you also have social democracies such as Sweden and Norway which are really pretty socialistic in practice since the public owns the a big chunk of the companies. For example in Norway, the state owns 37% of the shares of companies on their stock market. (Source) These countries are somewhat socialistic, but not really authoritation like China and USSR.

    In Norway, 70.6% of Norwegians were members of the Church of Norway in 2017. It is notable that the church of Norway was a state church until January 2017 (Source). So socialism isn’t necessarily anti-christianity. A lot of what Jesus actually preached is compatible with socialism. According to Jesus in Mark 12:29, The most important commandments are "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

    In summary, The line socialism is anti-Christianity is a common republican talking point that does have a grain of truth in it but is somewhat misleading.