OpenVPN-Client is running normally, per its logs and The vpn.ovpn and vpn.auth files are working properly.

In the Extra Parameters field of Deluge template I have added: –net=container:OpenVPN-Client

In OpenVPN-Client template:

 - Network Type is set to None
 - I have added a port record: Host Port 8112 and Container Port 6881

Deluge’s WebUI won’t load at all. I tried qBittorrent instead, using the same approach as above, and it won’t load the WebUI either.

  • ChrisLichtOP
    9 months ago

    NGINX seemed to automatically grab br0. Overseerr is routed through OpenVPN-Client, as are all the other -arr apps. The -arr apps are all talking to each other well.

    Thanks for thinking about my setup! I’m playing just beyond the limit of my networking skills and stumbling around a bit on this reverse proxy thing.