Did your Roku TV decide to strong arm you into giving up your rights or lose your FULLY FUNCTIONING WORKING TV? Because mine did.

It doesn’t matter if you only use it as a dumb panel for an Apple TV, Fire stick, or just to play your gaming console. You either agree or get bent.

  • Alien Nathan Edward
    7 months ago

    I agree with you for the most part but I think that products that also require services represent a special case. Does buying a TV mean I have the right to take it apart, repair it, customize it with my own firmware, all of that sort of thing? Absolutely. Does it entitle me to access to the manufacturer’s web services for the lifetime of the TV? If we say yes I think we’re gonna see a lot fewer services with these TVs. If I were in charge I’d be tempted to force manufacturers and customers to come to an entirely separate agreement for the service and the product that uses it, but I’m sure that has downsides I haven’t explored too.