• danhakimi@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Quite disappointing to see kbin users attempt to justify

    a military blockade of people who use every weapon they can get to try to kill your civilians, and try to turn every resource they can get into weapons, is not “an open air prison.” There are thousands of Gazans entering Israel every day due to Israeli work permits, medical treatments, refuge for gay people in Gaza (who are executed by Hamas). All in all, about 575,000 Gazans exited Gaza in 2022 by land borders, mostly through Israel since Egypt is generally fairly opposed to Gazans coming into Egypt. They won’t let refugees into Sinai now.

    The heads of Hamas are billionaires and live in Qatar. They take every bit of aid that comes in and use it to perpetuate terrorism. The blockade didn’t start until about six years after rocket fire, until after Israel left Gaza. Gaza hasn’t been occupied since 2005.

    This whole “open air prison” thing is ridiculous. There’s border enforcement because they use those borders to kill people. Israel controls their air space because they kill people by air. Israel doesn’t like the terror tunnels because the terror tunnels are used to send terrorists in to kill people. If they want to be able to move freely, they should stop killing people in the places they want to move to.

    • TranscendentalEmpire
      1 year ago

      a military blockade of people who use every weapon they can get to try to kill your civilians

      I mean that’s just untrue, even accounting for the recent violence Israel has killed many times more civilians than Palestinians.

      “According to the United Nations, roughly 6,400 Palestinians and 300 Israelis had been killed in the ongoing conflict since 2008, not counting the recent fatalities”

      is not “an open air prison.” There are thousands of Gazans entering Israel every day due to Israeli work permits, medical treatments,

      My man, that’s not the brag you think it is. Allowing people to leave gaza to have their labour exploited isn’t alien to prison systems, nor is administering medical care.

      The heads of Hamas are billionaires and live in Qatar. They take every bit of aid that comes in and use it to perpetuate terrorism. The blockade didn’t start until about six years after rocket fire, until after Israel left Gaza. Gaza hasn’t been occupied since 2005.

      And I don’t really think many people are too concerned about protecting Hamas, they just don’t want to be witness to a genocide because Israel conflates their actions with all of Palestine.

      This whole “open air prison” thing is ridiculous. There’s border enforcement because they use those borders to kill people.

      I’m sorry, but if your country has killed thousands of people along that border compared to hundreds…then it’s not the Palestinians who are utilizing the border as a weapon.

      You haven’t even established that the border has helped reduce the amount of people killed. If anything this week has showed us that militarized borders don’t really do much but provoke violence.

      Israel controls their air space because they kill people by air.

      With what Air Force?

      Look, I don’t think any reasonable person condones the slaying of civilians. That being said, I think the hamas attack was a foreseeable consequence of political blowback. The Israeli government has become increasingly right winged over the last decade, and have been advocating for human rights violations, the illegal colonization of homes, and have literally instituted an apartheid state.

      It’s foolish to think that there wouldn’t be a violent reaction when Israel has rejected all other forms of discord. Apartheid states will always create violence, the only people whom can prevent it are the ones who can end the apartheid.

      • danhakimi@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        I mean that’s just untrue, even accounting for the recent violence Israel has killed many times more civilians than Palestinians.

        “According to the United Nations, roughly 6,400 Palestinians and 300 Israelis had been killed in the ongoing conflict since 2008, not counting the recent fatalities”

        I’m sorry, did you read the sentence that you’re saying is untrue? Because… you didn’t address my claim at all.

        My man, that’s not the brag you think it is. Allowing people to leave gaza to have their labour exploited isn’t alien to prison systems, nor is administering medical care.

        leaving is pretty alien to prison systems. People in prisons are supposed to be locked inside. There are supposed to be guards in there with them 24/7. And prisons don’t have borders with multiple countries.

        I guess it’s like a prison in that a gang runs the place, but unlike a prison in that, in prison, the gang doesn’t take control of the food distribution and steal all the concrete that could be used for concrete, and use it instead to build tunnels that they use to murder outside civilians before coming back home to their prison. And the prison gangs usually aren’t run by billionaires living in Qatar.

        And I’ve never heard of prisoners beheading babies before. I’ve never heard of anyone beheading babies before. It’s kind of, you know, totally unprecedented.

        And I don’t really think many people are too concerned about protecting Hamas, they just don’t want to be witness to a genocide because Israel conflates their actions with all of Palestine.

        I’ve seen a lot of people celebrating these attacks. I’ve seen people in Manhattan waving swastikas around at a “pro-Palestinian” rally, before Israel’s reprisals began. I’ve seen people in London vandalize Jewish neighborhoods, breaking windows and spraying graffiti. I’ve seen people in Brooklyn protest a memorial by saying that the violence against civilians was justified. At a memorial service. They couldn’t let people mourn? Mia Khalifa’s biggest problem with the attack on Israel was that the video was in portrait mode and not landscape, otherwise she was having a blast.

        They don’t give a shit about Palestinians. They just want to see Jews suffer.

        With what Air Force?

        With fucking hang gliders, if they can.

        It’s usually more of an issue of Iran dropping weapons in by air.

        That being said, I think the hamas attack was a foreseeable consequence of political blowback.

        It’s pretty sick to call beheadding babies as “foreseeable,” isn’t it? Did you actually see that coming, that they would behead babies?

        It’s foolish to think that there wouldn’t be a violent reaction when Israel has rejected all other forms of discord.

        I think you mean “discourse.” I guess you’ve never heard of the Olmert deal?

        Hamas controls the majority of the PA legislature. Abbas didn’t accept the Olmert deal because he doesn’t have enough political clout to do it.

        Hamas, in its charter, explicitly refuses any prospect of negotiation or peace. They explicitly want to destroy every Jew on the face of the earth, not just Israelis.

        Israel still comes to the table with Abbas, but it does not have a realistic partner for peace.

        Netanyahu is also a dick, though. I really wish Olmert and Abbas figured it out…

        • TranscendentalEmpire
          1 year ago

          I’m sorry, did you read the sentence that you’re saying is untrue? Because… you didn’t address my claim at all.

          That they were trying to turn anything they could into a weapon to kill civilians… and all they could possibly do is kill 300 in over ten years while taking thousands of civilian casualties. Doesnt really add up to the picture you were trying to paint.

          leaving is pretty alien to prison systems. People in prisons are supposed to be locked inside. There are supposed to be guards in there with them 24/7. And prisons don’t have borders with multiple countries.

          There are work release programs in most all major prison systems… and your other rebuttals are purely pedantic. There are several types of penal systems, some just ship people to remote islands…they are still prisons.

          I guess it’s like a prison in that a gang runs the place, but unlike a prison in that, in prison, the gang doesn’t take control of the food distribution and steal all the concrete that could be used for concrete, and use it instead to build tunnels that they use to murder outside civilians before coming back home to their prison. And the prison gangs usually aren’t run by billionaires living in Qatar.

          It’s almost like the Israeli government doesn’t care what happens to the people in their prison… very perplexing.

          And I’ve never heard of prisoners beheading babies before. I’ve never heard of anyone beheading babies before. It’s kind of, you know, totally unprecedented.

          You must not read a lot of history… there was once an ethnocentric theocracy by the name of imperial Japan that did some stuff in China a while ago… also, do you have any evidence of this actually occurring?

          I’ve seen a lot of people celebrating these attacks. I’ve seen people in Manhattan waving swastikas around at a “pro-Palestinian” rally, before Israel’s reprisals began. I’ve seen people in London vandalize Jewish neighborhoods, breaking windows and spraying graffiti. I’ve seen people in Brooklyn protest a memorial by saying that the violence against civilians was justified.

          And you think neonazi are reasonable people?

          They don’t give a shit about Palestinians. They just want to see Jews suffer.

          Ahh yes, everyone who disagrees with the Israeli state hates Jewish people… no way people could just want an end to an apartheid state.

          With fucking hang gliders, if they can.

          And controlling there airspace prevents this how?

          t’s usually more of an issue of Iran dropping weapons in by air.

          Ahh so the Iranians are Palestinians now… how would controlling the air space east of Israel prevent Iran, a country west of Israel from dropping bombs? Controlling their airspace is just another way to control the flow of vital goods.

          It’s pretty sick to call beheadding babies as “foreseeable,” isn’t it? Did you actually see that coming, that they would behead babies?

          Yeah, beheading a baby and airstriking a baby both end with two dead children. Also… what evidence do you have that babies have been decapitated? We’ve seen this or things similar to this be falsely broadcasted to justify war in our lifetime.

          think you mean “discourse.”

          Discord isnt just Skype for gaming, it means argument or disagreement. Israel has rejected all other form of argument, and thus there will be violence.

          I guess you’ve never heard of the Olmert deal?

          Lol, a deal implies two willing parties. The realignment plan was a unilateral border change where Israel attemped to legalize their illegal settlements by claiming they’d disengage from the West Bank.

          The problem is that nothing is stopping someone making unilateral policy from changing that policy as they see fit. Within the span of year it went from disengaging from 90% of the West Bank to 70% of the West Bank. Why would the Palestinians agree to signing something like that when Israel has already been so keen on breaking international law?

          Netanyahu is also a dick, though. I really wish Olmert and Abbas figured it out…

          Yes, and terrifyingly he’s been your PM six times… over a decade and a half of creating the perfect environment for extremism.

          I don’t hate Jewish people, I’m not a white supremacy nut, both would be odd for an Asian person. As a person who’s home country has a history of border conflicts, crimes against humanity, and fascist governments, I don’t think your people are going to look back with any pride for what is going to unfold in the next few months.

          • danhakimi@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            That they were trying to turn anything they could into a weapon to kill civilians… and all they could possibly do is kill 300 in over ten years while taking thousands of civilian casualties. Doesnt really add up to the picture you were trying to paint.

            because of the blockade, and the iron dome, and the IDF in general. I’m sorry Israel is good at defending itself.

            … and because Hamas was specifically holding off for this one planned, concerted attack, with missiles saved up, which explains why they didn’t join the Islamic Jihad attack or anything.

            … and they killed more than 300, you’re only counting the Israelis they killed, not the Palestinians they killed. 25% of their rockets land in Gaza, they’re not exactly careful aiming them.

            It’s almost like the Israeli government doesn’t care what happens to the people in their prison… very perplexing.

            It’s almost like the Palestinian government doesn’t care. Or like they do care, and they want nothing more for them than martyrdom.

            Israel continues to give all this aid even though Hamas is controlling its distribution. What would you prefer they do? re-occupy Gaza and deliver aid individually?

            You must not read a lot of history… there was once an ethnocentric theocracy by the name of imperial Japan that did some stuff in China a while ago…

            I was not aware that they beheaded babies. I’m aware of the conflict, and the rape of Nanking, and the general attrocity and animosity there, but no, I have not read that they beheaded babies, forgive me.

            also, do you have any evidence of this actually occurring?

            Multiple eyewitness reports reported by multiple reporters + the president of the united states confirming it, but I’m sure you won’t be satisfied until you see Hamas post photos to facebook, huh?

            here’s another source.

            Ahh yes, everyone who disagrees with the Israeli state hates Jewish people…

            I’m sick of this bullshit. Hamas explicitly calls for the extermination of all Jews in its charter, not just the ones in Israel.

            I did not say that everyone who disagrees is an antisemite. I said that the terrorists who openly and proudly hate Jews are antisemites, and the heartless bastards who celebrate that terrorism, who watch on with popcorn while innocent Jewish civilians die are antisemites.

            no way people could just want an end to an apartheid state.

            Israel is the only state in the middle east with any semblance of equality—with complete equality, until the current Israeli government—based on race or religion, but let’s stop and pretend it was an Apartheid state, and let’s say that all people want is to end it.

            So they see soldiers parading teenage girls in the streets. They see their blood-stained sweatpants, they know she just got raped. They hear that (then) hundreds of Israeli civilians are dead. They see a music festival get massacred.

            Do you think they really think this is going to end Israel? Do you really think they’re that stupid?

            Hamas does not want to end Israel. Hamas wants to kill Jews, provoke war, and maintain its stranglehold over Gaza. Hamas cannot exist with peace. They were afraid the Saudis might try to broker peace, or that the Israelis would vote Netanyahu out, or something might happen to make peace more plausible, and they had to stop that.

            All this attack was meant to do is kill Jews and provoke a war. Nobody is stupid enough to think they’re about to end Israel.

            (this comment is apparently too long…)

            • TranscendentalEmpire
              1 year ago

              because of the blockade, and the iron dome, and the IDF in general. I’m sorry Israel is good at defending itself.

              I think this week has shown that the blockade wasn’t really that effective.

              and because Hamas was specifically holding off for this one planned, concerted attack, with missiles saved up, which explains why they didn’t join the Islamic Jihad attack or anything.

              I’m not sure how that really supports your argument, nor do I think that a Hamas representative is a credible narrator. The recent attack shows levels of coordination and logistics that more than likely required a good bit of outside help. Whether it’s Russia or Iran, it’s unlikely that they’d be planning this large of an attack for two years without it being picked up by Israeli intelligence agencies.

              they killed more than 300, you’re only counting the Israelis they killed, not the Palestinians they killed. 25% of their rockets land in Gaza, they’re not exactly careful aiming them.

              Ahh, so now we can differentiate between hamas and Palestine?

              It’s almost like the Palestinian government doesn’t care. Or like they do care, and they want nothing more for them than martyrdom. Israel continues to give all this aid even though Hamas is controlling its distribution. What would you prefer they do? re-occupy Gaza and deliver aid individually?

              Or… They could simply stop provoking the Palestinian government from violent behavior by stopping the expansion of illegal settlements.

              You are acting as if this has all happened in a vacuum, why do you suppose they are reaching for violence to begin with?

              Multiple eyewitness reports reported by multiple reporters + the president of the united states confirming it, but I’m sure you won’t be satisfied until you see Hamas post photos to facebook, huh?

              Again, those are unconfirmed second hand reports. The first is saying multiple eye witness, but doesn’t name or confirm their sources. The second source is reporters saying that an idf official reportes there has been beheadings.

              Look, I’m not saying that it’s impossible that Hamas would behead babies. However, it seems a bit unlikely considering how quickly the attack began and ended. It’s just more likely that it’s being used to justify the coming violence, just as it has the vast majority of the times this sort of violence is initially reported.

              It may even have a kernel of truth in it, unfortunately explosions often amputate body parts. It would not surprise me if a soldier or civilian saw something like it and honestly believes that they were beheading babies. However, historically these kinds of atrocities are committed during occupations after the initial combat area is secured.

              I’m sick of this bullshit. Hamas explicitly calls for the extermination of all Jews in its charter, not just the ones in Israel.

              And when you were talking about this it was in reference to people attending “pro Palestine” rallies. The quotations along with the provided context implies that people are attending anti semitic rallies as opposed to pro Palestinian rallies.

              did not say that everyone who disagrees is an antisemite. I said that the terrorists who openly and proudly hate Jews are antisemites, and the heartless bastards who celebrate that terrorism, who watch on with popcorn while innocent Jewish civilians die are antisemites.

              And how do you determine the difference? Does attending a pro Palestinian rally automatically mean you are celebrating terrorism? I feel the problem is that you are making some pretty sweeping statements that conflate Palestinian people with Hamas supporters.

              Israel is the only state in the middle east with any semblance of equality—with complete equality, until the current Israeli government—based on race or religion, but let’s stop and pretend it was an Apartheid state, and let’s say that all people want is to end it.

              Okay let’s dissect the conflicting statements in this claim.

              Israel is the only …until the current government. So what you are saying is the Israel used to be the most egalitarian state in regards to an area filled with a vast history of war crimes.

              but let’s stop and pretend it was an Apartheid state

              How do they not fit the definition “inhumane acts of a character similar to other crimes against humanity “committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime”.”

              and let’s say that all people want is to end it.

              If it’s not apartheid, what do you want to end?

              they see soldiers parading teenage girls in the streets. They see their blood-stained sweatpants, they know she just got raped. They hear that (then) hundreds of Israeli civilians are dead. They see a music festival get massacred. Do you think they really think this is going to end Israel? Do you really think they’re that stupid?

              No, to be honest I think they’ve come to the conclusion that Palestinians cannot end the apartheid by themselves. I think they know that regional support in Egypt, Lebanon, and Iran have waned in the last ten years. I think they committed an act so horrific that they know the response will be genocidal in nature, forcing their regional partners into a response. This is why I believe they specifically targeted liberal populations and the peace festival, to isolate any reasonable hand away from the brakes.

              Hamas cannot exist with peace. They were afraid the Saudis might try to broker peace, or that the Israelis would vote Netanyahu out, or something might happen to make peace more plausible, and they had to stop that.

              And I could claim the same thing about the current conservative government of Israel. Netanyahus regime cannot survive without hamas, they cannot survive peace, his power and possibly freedom depend on an escalation in violence.

            • danhakimi@kbin.social
              1 year ago

              Ahh so the Iranians are Palestinians now… how would controlling the air space east of Israel prevent Iran, a country west of Israel from dropping bombs? Controlling their airspace is just another way to control the flow of vital goods.

              Are you being intentionally obtuse? Iran drops weapons in Gaza. Iran delivers weapons to Gaza. They’re not dropping bombs, they’re delivering weapons, that’s why I said that they were delivering weapons, and not that they were dropping bombs.

              Yeah, beheading a baby and airstriking a baby both end with two dead children. Also… what evidence do you have that babies have been decapitated? We’ve seen this or things similar to this be falsely broadcasted to justify war in our lifetime.

              I supplied plenty of evidence above.

              Hamas targets babies and cuts their heads off point blank.

              Hamas fires rockets from a building, Israel targets the building, Israel warns the people in it, and Hamas refuses to evacuate babies, because they know dead babies help draw sympathy and perpetuate the conflict.

              These are both tragedies. They are not the same.

              Discord isnt just Skype for gaming, it means argument or disagreement. Israel has rejected all other form of argument, and thus there will be violence.

              lol, so you said:

              It’s foolish to think that there wouldn’t be a violent reaction when Israel has rejected all other forms of discord.

              and you meant:

              Israel refuses to disagree! It won’t engage in conflict! How dare they!

              … okay, sure. Uh… yeah, no, I would not expect a violent reaction to a country that refuses to sew the seeds of discord.

              Now, if Israel had refused discourse, that might have been a problem, but that’s not how it is. (It’s also not a justification for raping teens or burning babies bodies or any of the other shit they’ve done, but you don’t seem to care when Hamas does unjustifiable things, so let’s put that aside).

              Lol, a deal implies two willing parties.

              Fine, the Olmert proposal.

              The realignment plan was a unilateral border change where Israel attemped to legalize their illegal settlements by claiming they’d disengage from the West Bank.

              Olmert proposed a proposed deal to Abbas in 2008. He offered, in a short negotiation in principle, over 93% of the west bank, with land swaps in return, giving East Jerusalem to the Palestinian people, acknowledging it as their capitol… Israel only wanted a small sliver of the land it already controlled and offered an equal amount of land in return, including East Jerusalem! And peace. That’s all they wanted. A few land swaps and peace.

              And Abbas didn’t go for it because he knew Hamas would not abide it. There is no such thing as peace when Hamas is present.

              They could have said that the land swaps only occur after Israel has withdrawn other settlements under such-and-so conditions, they could have cut a deal around that negotiation in principle, but Abbas just couldn’t negotiate.

              No, I was not talking about a unilateral move. Although if that had happened, the West Bank would be free now.

              Yes, and terrifyingly he’s been your PM six times… over a decade and a half of creating the perfect environment for extremism.

              I’m American.

              You know how he won in 2009? Olmert backed out of Gaza, terrorism spiked, and Netanyahu said “I told you so.”

              Less occupation, more violence? Yeah, that’s a recipe to fuel war hawks.

              I don’t think your people are going to look back with any pride for what is going to unfold in the next few months.

              No, of course not, they didn’t want this to happen. You think they would have looked back with pride if they sat around and did nothing?

              I can’t do this again, I haven’t been getting any work done, getting caught up in internet debates with people who don’t want to sympathize with Jews in the first place. I’m going to mute you now. Or block you, because kbin only has one button, and it’s really a mute feature, but… I can’t keep doing this.

              • TranscendentalEmpire
                1 year ago

                Are you being intentionally obtuse? Iran drops weapons in Gaza. Iran delivers weapons to Gaza. They’re not dropping bombs, they’re delivering weapons, that’s why I said that they were delivering weapons, and not that they were dropping bombs.

                “more of an issue of Iran dropping weapons in by air” isn’t exactly specific, bombs are weapons. Plus, I don’t really think airdropping weapons is very feasible considering the expanse of the Israeli Air Force. Even if Israel allowed people into enter Palestinian airspace, I doubt they’d want to risk their limited supply of cargo planes. Especially when they can just snuggle them in via Syria.

                supplied plenty of evidence above.

                You supplied literal hearsay. Again, I’m not saying that it’s impossible, just that it’s unlikely.

                Hamas fires rockets from a building, Israel targets the building, Israel warns the people in it, and Hamas refuses to evacuate babies, because they know dead babies help draw sympathy and perpetuate the conflict.

                You have described one type of airstrike out of hundreds… The idea that Israel warns hamas every time they conduct an air strike that will kill civilians is ridiculous considering how many Hamas leaders have been killed by said air strikes.

                has rejected all other forms of discord.

                Meaning that they have rejected all other forms of argument…

                Not “Israel refuses to disagree! It won’t engage in conflict! How dare they”.

                Now, if Israel had refused discourse, that might have been a problem, but that’s not how it is.

                This is a semantic dispute in nature, but discourse and discord are interchangeable, discord just carries connotations of disagreement.

                It’s also not a justification for raping teens or burning babies bodies or any of the other shit they’ve done, but you don’t seem to care when Hamas does unjustifiable things, so let’s put that aside).

                Lol, when have I attempted to justify the actions of Hamas? Explaining why 9/11 happened isn’t explaining that it was justified.

                You could do the same and say that you think the actions of Hamas is a terrorist group the treatment of the Palestinian people is unjustified. However, you have chosen to spend the entire argument validating the human rights violations against Palestine.

                Olmert proposed a proposed deal to Abbas in 2008. He offered, in a short negotiation in principle, over 93% of the west bank, with land swaps in return, giving East Jerusalem to the Palestinian people, acknowledging it as their capitol… Israel only wanted a small sliver of the land it already controlled and offered an equal amount of land in return, including East Jerusalem! And peace. That’s all they wanted. A few land swaps and peace.

                In 2008 the deal had already been reversed to 70% present, the 90% proposal was made in 2007. The innate problem is that unilateral agreements are self governed, there is no guarantee that a future government just won’t reneg the agreement. It’s the same reason Israel didn’t agree to the hamas proposal in 06.

                And Abbas didn’t go for it because he knew Hamas would not abide it. There is no such thing as peace when Hamas is present.

                And you think the Israeli population was keen on giving up 90% of West Bank? Why do you think they dropped it to 70% within a few months…

                You know how he won in 2009? Olmert backed out of Gaza, terrorism spiked, and Netanyahu said “I told you so.” Less occupation, more violence? Yeah, that’s a recipe to fuel war hawks.

                It’s almost as if making unilateral concessions doesn’t automatically solve problems that require actual state crafting. We have already established that both Hamas and netanyahus are co dependent on each other for a base of support. Meaning that attempts by hamas to inject political chaos into the Israeli state need to be ignored as an attempt to cause reactionary policy.

                No, of course not, they didn’t want this to happen. You think they would have looked back with pride if they sat around and did nothing?

                I don’t think they wanted this level of mass casualty event to occur, but I don’t think even you could say that netanyahus didn’t want a justification to destroy Palestine while also consolidating power.

                can’t do this again, I haven’t been getting any work done, getting caught up in internet debates with people who don’t want to sympathize with Jews in the first place.

                I honestly have a lot of sympathy for both Palestinians and Israeli, I just despise both of the governments. My biggest concern is truly that the Israeli government will commit to a response that will be unjustifiable even to the Israeli people.

                I’m not sure how old you are, but atmosphere this conflict is creating is eerily familiar to the days and weeks after 9/11, and that should be concerning not everyone.

                I guess this doesn’t really matter if you’ve already blocked me. But I do empathize with your people, and i just hope you find it in your heart to have empathy for Palestine. Half of which are children, who have nothing to do with the ongoing violence.

                • TinyPizza@kbin.social
                  1 year ago

                  Thanks for following through on this even if that guy did have cotton in his ears. Your closing sentiment is pretty much the exact one I share. I remember being in school and watching the planes hit on tv, thinking this is the worst thing that could ever happen. What we didn’t get to see was the horrors that followed that we justified with lies. Iraq is now littered with depleted uranium rounds poisoning the land and a death count that will continue to rise even after you and I are gone.

                  It’s frightening to see how people act when they get set on a roll like this. How far they’ll go to justify their decision to support heinous acts of retribution. It feels a lot like how under fascism your enemies are all at once completely inept and feeble while being overwhelming monsters whose cunning and strength is endless. It’s making them out to be boogeymen that no longer resemble humanity, so that when we commit the atrocity it barely even registers that it was against a person and not an animal.

                  It’s slightly heartening that at least some people are starting to come around to this. I would like to think it’s more than in the past but it’s so hard to say. Sometimes it feels like this cycle will only end once we’ve all but obliterated this world and all the people in it. The headline like some bad The Onion article “Last human perishes, world peace achieved!”