Saw a post about a user saying he enjoys reading the modlogs for some reason. So I went ahead and checked it out which got me thinking…

Have we deleted/censored anything in this instance yet? Have we banned anyone yet?

Anyone willing to take one for the team/instance?

(The last line was a joke. Don’t ban me plis.)

      1 year ago

      If you think I am the power tripping police: have you ever seen me mod? Everywhere but in 2 groups which would be completely pointless without basic enforced rules my only rules are don’t break TOS of whatever service we are on. Yea, I will sometimes joke tell someone I am gonna ban them, but I would never actually do so and hopefully they are all very much aware of that.

      If you for some reason think I am referring to you or anyone else here: I am not, I am referring to Reddit mods/admins who are notorious for being just that.