This blood test, alongside the digital assessment, can accurately diagnose up to 30% of bipolar disorder cases.

This is HUGE. I cannot express how huge. Being able to differentiate bipolar depression from unipolar depression has the potential to help thousands of people to get proper diagnosis and treatment. Sure, it’s only up to 30% now, but this is just the beginning.

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    11 个月前

    I’m assuming the test works less like a bianay, and more like a tertiary system (positive, negative, and inconclusive) the 30 percent would refer to the accurately defined positive/negative results, the other 70 percent would be inconclusive.

    Without delving into the research, by the title, I looks like they are looking for a certain number of markers in the blood which we may all produce to have a definitive answer. If it is above a limit, it’s positive; below, negative; somewhere in between, it will have an inconclusive result.