I don’t know, like, maybe tell me next time if my photos are getting backed up. And tell me before it fills up my ample 15GB cloud storage with my family photos.
If you’re on a desktop browser, you should be able to left click a start and then shift + left click to set a ranged selection (just like selecting a range of text) when marking a photo or group of days.
You can undo the cloud sync now?
I accidentally hit it once and google replaced every single one of my images with a link to some cloud BS with no way to get them back in a way that allows other apps to pick them up where they left them.
While not that much easier, you can press and hold an image until it gets served, then drag your finger up or down to select multiple photos. You can hold it at the edge to scroll and select. Isn’t great for thousands of photos, but better than selecting individual days.
(For future reference and for others’ info)
You could’ve told me that 2 days ago. Had to manually click 300 photos 4 times… I’ll remember this, thanks!
Have you tried takout? https://takeout.google.com/?pli=1