• cantsurf
    1 year ago

    I apologize for making the assumption that you were American.

    Its my understanding that even liberal american politicians are rather conservative, from a global perspective. This is probably the source of my confusion in our exchange.

    But I agree with you that many people complain and are jealous when they see others being prosperous when they struggle to thrive. Also, people seem to just like to complain in general.

    Here’s a section that I found from a website, on democratic socialism:

    " In the present day, “Democratic socialist” and “socialist” are often treated as interchangeable terms, which can be confusing given democratic socialists don’t necessarily think the government should immediately take control of all aspects of the economy.

    They do, however, generally believe the government should help provide for people’s most basic needs and help all people have an equal chance at achieving success. "

    I think in this context, democratic socialists are just in support of government having more influence in business, strengthening unions and worker protections, addressing the massive wealth inequality. The current american government is really more on the side of business than on the side of workers.