• niktemadur@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    The date boggles my mind, if accurate it is one year before the National League - and baseball as we know it today - was created.

    The list of charter teams is almost familiar but with quite a bit of an uncanny valley effect:

    1. Chicago White Stockings (now the Cubs).
    2. Philadelphia Athletics (expelled from league, Phillies came later).
    3. Boston Red Stockings (now Atlanta Braves).
    4. Hartford Dark Blues (folded after just a couple of seasons).
    5. New York Mutuals (expelled, the Metropolitans/Giants came later).
    6. St Louis Brown Stockings (folded, the Cardinals came later).
    7. Cincinnati Reds (folded, the current Reds came later).
    8. Louisville Grays (folded).