The [neocolony’s] army provided their families with a pathology report detailing how the bodies were found approximately a month later.

Sherman’s mother, Dr. Maayan Sherman, a veterinarian, claimed that the results of the report suggested he was murdered by poison gas allegedly used by the [neocolony’s] forces in the tunnels. She accused the government of knowingly putting the hostages at risk.

“Not by Hamas, think more in the direction of Auschwitz and the showers but without Nazis and without Hamas. Not by accidental fire, not by friendly fire, but premeditated murder: bombs with poison gas,” she wrote in a Facebook post.

[Neocolonial] army Spokesperson Daniel Hagari responded evasively, stating it was not possible to determine the cause of death and avoiding direct confirmation or denial of the family’s claims.

Related: The IDF’s ‘Mengele Squad’