- Repeals the requirement that employers provide a lunch break.
- Repeals the requirement that employers provide a rest break.
- Repeals the requirement that employees who work seven days in a row receive time-and-a-half overtime pay.
- Eliminates employer liability for failure to provide proper pay for work time spent traveling between jobs and for time spent on certain activities associated with starting and wrapping up a job.
- Decreases the statute of limitations for labor violations from five years to three years so workers have less time to report issues.
Jesus, what the actual fuck Kentucky?
Fuck, I thought those were federal laws. Sounds like they should be, oh wait right wingers want to get rid of federal labor laws too
I did too until last year when I realized Subway was making my 16 year old niece work for 9 hours with no lunch and no breaks.
Even minors, don’t get lunches in red states.
How are they not known as the party of child labor?
Willful ignorance.
Didn’t give a shit til it affected ur niece, nice
Didn’t know. Their crime is not being informed about something that they wouldn’t know about. Increase your chill, friend.
Ur right, sorry
It’s all good buddy:)
It’s my fault! Sometimes, I don’t explain myself well in text! Sorry about that!
I definitely care, just didn’t know that kind of thing was happening or that it was legally allowed to happen until she mentioned it and I researched it.
It’s also infuriating because now that I know it’s a problem, I don’t know what to do about it and I feel helpless to make effective change.
And I can’t start boycotting Subway. I already don’t eat there because 1) subway takes advantage of franchisees and their employees for other reasons and 2) their food isn’t good.
The USA is a hellscape for workers. Wow
And it’s one of the richest countries on earth. Yet can’t even afford a lunch break or overtime? Give me a break…
Not to mention that not providing breaks or even weekends is not even helping productivity. Workers will be tired working less hard and making more mistakes.
Give me a break…
I see what you did there… Lol.
Certain (red) states, sure.
WTF red states?
I can only assume they WANT this to get challenged so it goes to the Supreme Court because our insane SCOTUS might uphold it.
They’re not insane. They know exactly tm what they’re doing.
Every employer has a place called home; and it’s likely flammable.
Every congresscritter too.
Not surprised the state responsible for Mitch McConnell is really good at voting counter to its best interests.
This inevitably happens in states and in industries with low or no union participation. Reason number 1,000 why workers have to stick together. Unionize … and strike.
Trying to hope this will galvanise workers in Kentucky into unionising at last, but suspect it won’t, and that Republican strategists are primed to roll out all the usual tactics to discourage it.
What short memories. Don’t they know that people are willing to die for these rights?
Funny the sponsor of this bill is the president and owner of a lawn and landscaping company. I imagine he’s probably mad he has to pay his workers fair wages and just wants more money in his pockets.
If a company hires you and you live 90 minutes from a job, that company damn well should pay for your trips. You can agree not to, and that’s fine, but workers should expect to be paid for long commutes which are work related.
I spent 3 hours on the road 5+ days a week for 8 years and never got a cent for it, and when my vehicles crapped out the companies didn’t give a crap.