Something that bothers me is that males are overwhelmingly perpetrators of rape but there is little discussion (at least from my perspective) as the root cause as to why men do such horrible acts.

    6 months ago

    I suspect it could be a combination of entitlement to women’s bodies, the objectification of women in general. Alot of patriarchal cultures indicate that you aren’t truly a man until you have sex with a woman. This can lead to some people to take terrible methods like rohypnol. Other people might just have spite towards women in general and take it out on them violently. In wars, the demonization of those being occupied gives credence to the acceptability of raping civilian populations.

    If it was more commonplace to have less violence and better mental health, maybe that would reduce how common it is among men. Encouraging communication between equals might also prevent accidental rapes by misunderstandings. I don’t know to what extent making people miserable is dopamine producing is entirely environmental, but people with those kind of chemical pathways can go down that path just because it hurts people.