Report download: Tide of injustice: exploitation and illegal fishing on Chinese vessels in the Southwest Indian Ocean

A new report by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) contradicts China’s claims of supporting sustainable development and thriving blue economies in the region. This issue is crucial for EU members, as seafood linked to these vessels may enter key international markets, including Europe.

Of the 44 anglers interviewed for the report, 80% reported shark finning, 100% reported abusive working and living conditions, 96% reported excessive overtime, and 55% reported physical violence. EJF also interviewed 16 fishers who worked on Chinese trawlers in Mozambique, who similarly reported widespread illegalities. 81% of them reported physical abuse, and half of them reported the deliberate capture and/or injury of vulnerable marine megafauna.

Seafood linked to these vessels potentially enters vital international markets, including Europe, the US, Japan, and South Korea. At the time of writing, around 73% of the vessels suspected of human rights abuses and illegal fishing appear on the list of authorised exporters to the EU.

  • No_
    6 months ago

    Just follow the money.