So I’m imagining it’s a toss up on whether or not players played through EA or not, and in my mind this would apply to Act I as well as beyond, but how does this community intend to deal with storyline spoilers? If markdown is implemented right,

! Then this should be a spoiler

but if the markdown method of right arrow (>) followed by an exclamation point (!) does not properly tag spoilers, do folks care enough? Maybe marking posts with story spoilers as nsfw?

I would like to suggest no spoilers for storyline in future post titles, and either having spoiler tags on comments or something along those lines. This all might be a non-issue for most community members, but I figure if there are people out there who want a spoiler free time while still being able to visit this community to talk about the game (people like myself).

What do y’all think? Regardless, I’m very excited to play through this new story! Happy Launch Day y’all!

From user faethon on how to properly do spoilers in lemmy :

I used the

         ::: spoiler Heading 


edit: More information on formatting can be found here:

    2 years ago

    Additionally it would be a great idea to put [SPOILER] in front of the title of a post if it includes spoilers for the game. Maybe the mod of this community can add some rules about the [SPOILER] tag to the sidebar?

    • Rusty_RedOPM
      2 years ago

      I think having some mod support on this front would be extremely valuable, even something as basic as a sidebar rule might help push future posts in the right direction on this. Not sure how heavy handed folks would want to get though, in regards to removing posts with spoilers or things like that.