`Nuff Said.

Elon thinks he’s doing such a great job as CEO, he wants more shares of TSLA.

  • TranscendentalEmpire
    5 months ago

    Yeap, Tesla is just a marketing firm that sells futurology. The whole reason Tesla even exists is solely because the wall street has become a casino that’s entirely based on speculation.

    .AI Bipedal Robots will not take over jobs or improve their factories.

    Yeah, I wish you could short the premise of certain VC brained investments. There’s a reason humans are pretty much the only truly bi-pedal animal on earth. While it is extremely efficient, it also requires the syncopation of several different forms of sensational input, with a tri-planar joint system that requires a wide range of motion.

    My field has spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to build adequate feet for prosthetics. They’re still pretty poor imitations of the real thing.