My family member uses this phrase at least once every interaction and it drives me absolutely nuts. I know it was probably never corrected when she was younger, but my God, it just makes her lose any credibility with me. That, and “irregardless,” “could care less,” and “take it for granite.”

    1 year ago

    Yea I’m fairly well spoken, but a really lazy talker most of the time. The one I’m guilty of here is “could care less” but only when I was talking, and I have completely fixed that. I still speak lazily, but that’s more my accent I think. I say wooder instead of water. Even that I do less cause my partner is more articulate than I.

    I have a 4 yr old sister (I’m 33 lol) who says stuff like this, and I make sure to help her get it right, and it’s making me a bit more aware of certain things.

    Today she asked me about Jesus… AND Buddha, which made me super happy, cause it was the first more complex conversation I’ve had with her like that, and she was kinda on point. I’m not having children, but I don’t really have to anymore (: