• ChocoboRocket@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Maybe it played well in focus groups, but I find these kind of videos entirely underwhelming and fake.

    Not because I’m detached from reality, or a Trump enthusiast, but because it’s a terrible ad that someone would make when they looked for dirt on someone and find nothing.

    Don’t tell me, show me. And I don’t mean footage of people who don’t like Trump saying “TrUmP bAd”, show me Trump being a traitor, show him admitting to crimes, show him being creepy about Ivanka/children, show him hating the military, show him for who he is.

    There’s actual mountains of clips/sound bites/direct quotes either from Trump, other Republicans, or praise from Russia that directly expose all the awful pieces that make up Trump.

    It’s literally the weakest “attack” ad I have ever seen, to the point where it’s basically a Trump ad. If you can’t show him sleeping in court, show him babbling and fumbling words, drinking water, walking around ramps.

    How many cult members leave a cult because their leader “changed” or “is not the same anymore” by… Taking naps?

    Yes, a lot of these ads are directed at the population who are on the fence/swing voters - which makes sense in theory, but is actually stupid in practice.

    Anyone who isn’t in the MAGA cult should be able to track/map the coordinated trajectory towards facisim driven by Trump, GOP, Russia, FOX/OAN/Qanon etc etc., Everyone with eyes and ears should know exactly how they lie, what they lie about, and it needs to be everywhere.

    If you want to create anti Trump Buzz, you can’t just walk into a room, “gesture broadly” and leave, then expect people who haven’t been paying attention to get it.

    The non-fascist population needs to be constantly talking about how fucked the situation is, and how aware they are of media complacency. Enough people should feel genuinely scared about the American reality that swing or undecided voters can’t exist because there’s no information vacuum.

  • Paragone@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Cloying propaganda, of either right or left, is cloying propaganda.

    I can’t imagine finding such to be “food” for my mind.

    I happen to wish that Trump wasn’t going to be “king” of the US, but the making-believing ( instead of objective-practicality ) on both sides is making it inevitable.

    You could make a cloying-propaganda video about the Biden-institution’s cruising on its inertia/“entitlement”, while it destroys the young generation’s capacity to stomach voting for it, too, couldn’t you?

    Sanders is right:

    that Biden’s backing of the genociding of Palestinians is his “Vietnam”.

    He only needs to lose a slender few percent, and he’s committed to doing it, at any cost.

    “strategy”, right?

    I still believe the economic house-of-cards is going to gut Biden’s chance in the 2024 election, but there are only months left for that to happen, so maybe I’ll be proved-wrong on that belief.

    ( BTW, the party-system, which both Republicans & Democrats are examples of,

    is, itself, institutional highjacking of countries, and should never have been permitted to own ANY countries.

    No matter which party it is that gains owning of a country, they’re in it for their party’s national dominion, not for the country.

    That conflict-of-interest means it isn’t possible for a party-system to be not-corrupt.


    Notice that in the actual ancient Democracy, citizens vote on the individual issues, and Switzerland is the only country in the modern world that is somewhat close to that.

    Who’d tolerate the responsiblity, though?

    Isn’t having some political-party own the country “easier” or “better” than having to act as a citizen in a democracy, & vote on all sorts of individual things?

    Chickens are coming home to roost, throughout the countries of the world, these days, fersure… )