• april
    1314 days ago

    There are humans even better than the AI models at this still. Just watch some geogussr pros on YouTube.

  • @lurch@sh.itjust.works
    914 days ago

    That can always happen if you post a photo. People from your region may recognise things. Police also has experience checking for clues in pictures, like wallpapers or other decorative items. This technology just expands the number of persons who can find out in a short time.

    My point is: If you want to hide, don’t give people clues. This has always been the case.

  • @JCreazy@midwest.social
    514 days ago

    Within 15 miles isn’t really doxxed. You can get better accuracy with GPS or cellular tracking. This seems like fear mongering. “Oh NO! AI is so dangerous!”

  • @supangle@lemmy.wtf
    414 days ago

    that fucking geoguessr influencer can dox your location in 1ms, black and white image, tiled.

  • foremanguy
    314 days ago

    The application of the AI into this subject will be really important but for now, with a bit of determination, humans are better

    • @breadsmasher@lemmy.world
      1514 days ago

      This isn’t anything to do with metadata. Its about simply the scenery fed into a geospatial vision LLM to predict location

          • Transporter Room 3
            714 days ago

            I’ve not seen anything that creepy, but one of the youtube channels I watch is an outdoors person, and she posts videos of like building shelters and shit, along with other things but honestly those are the ones I care about…

            She posted a thing awhile back after taking some time off, apparently one of the viewers recognized something in one of her videos, and decided to spend weeks wandering around forests trying to find her.

            A dude literally went out of his way for WEEKS to find a woman he has never met, who doesn’t know he exists, and he knows travels alone in the woods, so he can be face to face with her in the middle of nowhere… And didn’t see a problem with that apparently.

            Now in this instance, it was more of “wander a large area looking for signs” but another YouTube (tom Scott) posted a video awhile back giving as little information as possible, and it was him standing in a cornfield. Only a small bit of the sky was visible. He literally asked for people to track down that spot, in order to prove a point in another video.

            People did it scary quick, unfortunately there was either a plane or a contrail visible, and with time of day and the sound of a nearby frog people got the spot to within a few feet or something like that. Details are fuzzy, it’s been years since I saw the video.