M. 34

I’m currently studying for the theory and then the practice for the license and I hate it… But since I’m unemployed for like half a year now maybe it will give me more chances to get hired. Still I will avoid driving as much as possible, being on a highway scares me and I’m afraid of having an accident. Plus I wear glasses and I’m not sure if my reflexes or peripheral view are good enough…

So, what’s your reason to not drive a car… money? For the environment? Are you afraid? You really don’t need to?

  • Call me Lenny/Leni
    8 months ago

    A few reasons come to mind following the first one.

    1. The first and foremost reason would be trust. Driving as an act always has seemed fragile if one scratch or bump caused by a minor thump by you can get you sued, one even slightly delayed response can cause you to hit a reckless pedestrian, and one even slightly miscalculated turn can turn into a destructive crash. A friend of mine once joked that driving is society’s new way to apply Darwinism so that those with concentration/patience/coordination/streetsmarts survive, and there are complaint groups whose complaints make that joke uncanny. Especially considering I am not up to par in terms of body and mind, leave me out of that please.

    2. It’s unnecessary. It has often caught my attention how people who do drive will drive the distances they can easily walk. The grocery store is a few minutes worth of driving away from me but twenty minutes of walking, which is still not bad. Except for maybe going to the doctor, which I go with people in groups to do anyways, I can live on my feet.

    3. I get to say hi to Mrs. Robinson while lightening my gorgeous red hair keeping my body loosed and stretched.

    4. I don’t contribute to pollution. Climate change might be over-politicized like Covid but they’re both still very real things. One could say one benefit many years from now is I can tell my peers I wasn’t one of them.