• BadAdvice@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Let’s look at all those groups as a percentage of the population and you tell me who should recieve the attention. Women? Half the population? Black people? Maybe 20-30% of the population around me? Elderly people with dementia? Now we have a very tiny group, except literally anyone could become a part of this group eventually. Now the LGBTQIA+. Not even 1 in 10, and that’s in our VERY accepting society with legally protected status. You don’t even get rounded up in concentration camps. Not here anyways. But could rupaul spare a shout out for my people on the rez? Nah. Better talk about lizzo some more. She needs the exposure.

    • Foreigner@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Ho boy where do I start? You are aware LGBT individuals are everywhere, right? Including on your reservation? In every country in the world, in every social class, race, religion, etc? We are children, siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, colleagues, friends, etc etc. HOW are you surprised the LGBT community gets this kind of representation? The vast majority of people know or know of someone who is LGBT in their social circle. Can the same be said for native americans? Don’t assume I don’t feel for your people, but conflating LGBT representation as somehow a specific injustice to native americans is incredibly flimsy logic.

      Using Rupaul as an example is a supremely poor choice given drag race has specifically given representation to native performers in the US and Canada, and created a platform for those performers to highlight issues their communities have faced:


      And again why is it his or any other LGBT individual’s responsibility to fight for your cause anymore than it should be anyone else’s responsibility?

      And you want to talk numbers, ok let’s talk numbers. I’ll use my country as an example. We’re 32 million people, over 60% of that population lives in poverty. Not the deluxe American level of poverty, third world country levels of poverty. That’s nearly 20 million people. Nearly half of those 32 million don’t have access to clean water, that’s over 16 million. Only one in five have access to adequate sanitation, that’s 28 million people without adequate sanitation. How many native americans are there in the US? Around 7 million? That’s a lot more people in a lot worse living conditions where I’m from than your entire population combined. Should I start complaining that you have more representation in famous movies than my people do? Should I concern troll about there being more native American millionaires than there are in my country? Should I expect native americans to fight for my people’s cause too, to give us a shout-out? Using your logic I should go around dismissing any calls for justice for native american peoples simply by citing the fact that more than the equivalent of triple your entire population are living in abject poverty in my country.

      Oh and another thing - this whole time you’ve been shitting in the LGBT community you’ve neglected the fact that the new pride flag was redesigned not only to give a specific shout out to trans individuals, but also people of colour AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLE, represented by the black and brown stripes:


      But sure, it’s the gays that are at fault for your community not getting enough airtime. Unbelievable.

      • TraditionalMuslim@reddthat.com
        1 year ago

        The hypocrasy is unreal here. You expect everyone else to support LGBT but when it comes to supporting others’ rights it’s every man for himself.

        • Foreigner@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Your reading comprehension is lacking - my point is exactly the opposite. I’m not going to shit on someone fighting for a cause that matters to them because they’re not taking time out of their day to fight for LGBT individuals. Also, you know it’s possible to support multiple causes simultaneously, right? My problem with BadAdvice is not that they’re fighting for native american rights, which is a just cause in my eyes. My problem is they’re telling us we shouldn’t be paying so much attention to LGBT issues because native american issues aren’t getting enough attention - as if that’s something LGBT individuals even desire or control.

          • TraditionalMuslim@reddthat.com
            1 year ago

            Ok. So you are ok if there are people that don’t support your cause then correct? Because I see so many in your camp villifying those that stay silent or don’t support the cause.

            You can fight for multiple causes. The problem BadAdvice is bringing up is that LGBT and a few other politically tensioned issues like BLM are the only ones that get media coverage. You have genocide happening in Palestine, Xinjiang region, Kashmir, etc. And no one bats an eye. Government doesn’t care about anything unless it involves them profiting off of it. Same goes for mainstream media because they know the left and right will get triggered when BLM and LGBT is brought up. So I understand BadAdvice’s plight.

            What LGBT and BLM folks can do is switch the narrative and instead of talking about their specific rights, talk about the broader rights that extend to every group.

            • Foreigner@kbin.social
              1 year ago

              You need to get off the internet and meet some regular LGBT people if you think the rabid fringe activists represent all of us. I assume you’re Muslim given your username, so you must know how it feels when people assume a small number of your people who do bad things are somehow a representation of the larger community. Duh I’m ok people not specifically supporting our cause, especially if they have their own shit to deal with. But if they’re here telling us we’re getting undeserved attention and need to shut up, well I’m going to take issue with that.

              Let’s take a specific example - the problems Muslims face in Europe who are threatened by bigotry and the rise of the far right. That’s getting a good chunk of airtime in the EU, more than trans rights. I’m not going to tell those Muslims protesting unfair treatment that they should talk about “broader rights” or also fight for trans rights because they obviously need to focus on the specific threat to their existence.

              LGBT people and the BLM movement don’t control the media and it is not the responsibility of an oppressed group to talk for any other group, nor is it a good idea frankly. This is the same reasoning the men’s rights movement makes when they say feminists are not paying enough attention to men’s issues. The same argument the “all lives matter” group makes against the BLM movement. It’s a bad faith argument meant to derail the conversation from specific issues affecting specific communities. Movements fail when they lose focus, just ask anyone involved in Occupy Wall street.

      • BadAdvice@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Bud. If you think reservations are some kind of deluxe poverty, you don’t understand what you’re talking about. Black and brown stripes, because that’s what my people and culture boils down to. Clean water isn’t just some necessity we’d like to have, but it’s literally sacred to us. Our rivers and lakes, poisoned as they are, are still holy to us. We are put on the least arable land possible by hundred year old treaties that are disrespected constantly. Our 7 million are what’s left after 300 years of constant, targeted genocide. Best estimates put the pre colonial population at around 112 million. That’s almost a 95% kill rate. And after all that, we still can’t farm the land we are left with and cannot make our own water clean. I cannot get over “deluxe American poverty” like it even remotely applies to reservations. Has your little shithole ever had concentration camps?