AAA gaming is a joke now. To the point that I am not gonna play AAA games other than MCC and CoDM with some exceptions

  • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
    3 months ago

    To the point that I am not gonna play AAA games other than MCC and CoDM

    Aren’t those- or at least the latter- some of the worst offenders? You do you though, not shaming what you enjoy or anything.

    Personally I play (regularly and/or once in a blue moon) plenty of games that could be considered AAA, though I probably play just as much indies or AA titles. Genshin, HSR, soulslikes, Monster Hunter (deeply excited for Wilds), Guilty Gear, Civ, Baldur’s Gate, various Nintendo titles, etc… Minecraft if that counts…

    I’m generally done with getting new Ubisoft games, and definitely not enough of a sucker to fall for, say, EA/Activision- but even then these all have good preexisting older titles that I already own and can jump into when I like, hell, once in a while Ubi does something interesting enough if you know what you’re getting into (and their games become dirt cheap within a year or two- for most games I’m absolutely a patient buyer).

    The only AAA dev I’d say I’m done with completely is Blizzard, since their Overwatch 2 nonsense. I still like the characters (for OW) and have fond memories of playing Diablo 2 over LAN with my siblings (my dad is a gamer, and passed that on to the rest of us). But there are so many better games of the same or similar genres nowadays- many of them indie and yet far better and cheaper- hell, I don’t think I’d see myself returning even to D2 as a result. There was a bit of curiousity about D4 but I never seriously considered buying it, and that turned out pretty well IMO…

      3 months ago

      Blizzard are kind of my guilty pleasure games. I still play SC2 sometimes, and it’s the only “esport” I enjoy watching. D4 had some major growing pains (that seems to be a trait for the franchise) but has settled into…actually a really good game now. WoW I have played off/on for 20 years now, it is kind of comfort place for me.

      Overwatch is the one game they made that did nothing for me, I think I am just not a shooter person. It also seems to be where all their trainwrecks have focused in recent memory. I also will always be bitter about what they did to my boy Heroes of the Storm.

      I used to really like the Ubisoft formula, but I think there are other games that do the open-world-map-icon games better (like Horizon). The actual Ubisoft games just seem very stale at this point.

      • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
        3 months ago

        Fair, I never played Starcraft- and only a very miniscule amount of WoW, so it was just OW/Diablo for me. I did play some HotS though and agree, they really did it dirty…

        I’ve not played Horizon though it’s on my list, I got it on sale quite a long while back at this point. Ubisoft’s open-world formula is definitely very stale by now though, I agree. But the titles nowadays are at least gay, my partner sometimes wants to play AC, and as a history nerd I enjoy AC’s settings, so there’s that at least.

          3 months ago

          I loved Zero Dawn, and Forbidden West was a lot better than I expected. They do a relatively good job, especially Forbidden West, of not overstaying their welcome of any given openworld activity. Probably my favourite of the open-world map games. There is a touch of Monster Hunter in there too, though not quite as “pure” as that experience.

          I could see them not sticking the landing in the third game, as so often seems to be the case, but I choose to remain optimistic.