Worked security at a factory that made kitchen appliances. It wasn’t his first day, but it was his first shift by himself.
There’s a gate at the front that you lock when you go on rounds.
Dude chooses to go on a round 5 minutes before shift change for the factory workers. He gets a call on company cell that folks are at the gate. Instead of coming back, he tells them to wait 20 minutes so he can finish his round.
20 minutes where they won’t be getting paid.
Second in command big boss of the factory is out there checking IDs and directing traffic when dude gets back from his round. Now this dude is nice. Genuinely one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. Old union rep, shirt off his back type. Tells guard not to worry about it, all’s good. Just time his rounds better next time.
Guard starts screaming at him about how he had no right to undo the lock, to get out of here, he’ll handle them, and if he wants to make them wait that’s his right. Boss man tells him to chill out, he won’t get in trouble, just go do his log and then he can take over checking IDs.
Guard pulls out, in one hand, a mag light flashlight he was told not to have, and in the other chemical spray that’s illegal for a guard to carry without certs (which he didn’t have), and this is an unarmed site. Threatens to ““arrest”” him. When boss pulls out his cell to call the guard company, the guard sprayed him and knocked his cell onto the ground, and kicked it across the parking lot, breaking it.
Needless to say, he was fired. Boss didn’t press assault charges, but we nearly lost the contract.
That’s clearly a guy who didn’t make it as a police officer
I can’t imagine why, he sounds like exactly the type of person police departments go for.
Nah, the police understand who is and isn’t a target. That guy didn’t have that.
OP didn’t specify how white the bossman was or wasn’t. He could have been a target.
Can you imagine if you gave this guy a gun and immunity…
We don’t have to imagine. We see it all the time.
Should definitely have filed charges. I would be shocked if that was the first or last time this dude assaulted someone.
Shame there were no charges filed. This dude should’ve gone to jail.
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Not just mall cops, it’s just people in general in any position of power. When I was young I used to host game servers for a community I created and liked to have a decent amount of people to administrate them and keep the games fun for everyone. There were people playing for months and always seemed reasonable and level headed and I’d see if they would be interested and most jumped at the chance to be more involved in the community. Every once in awhile though those reasonable and level headed individuals once they got some measure of authority went absolutely crazy and there’s no indication of who it would be. People can be the exact opposite too, they clown around taking nothing seriously always trying to push boundaries, but then you give them some responsibility and suddenly they are the most responsible person you’ve ever met, they just needed a chance to show it.
Depending on the state, security guards do have some power. In Tennessee, guards can be bonded, which effectively makes them cops.
In Virginia, security guards have powers of arrest, so they’re not cops, but can legally arrest and detail you, to include handcuffing and up to lethal force in certain situations.
But to your larger point, it’s a power trip. I worked security for 10 years. Most guards do not give a fuck, they don’t want to do anything more than the bare minimum, and will passively just sit there while people steal and shit.
But occasionally you get a power tripper. Someone who went into security because they couldn’t hack being a real cop, so they decided to become a rent-a-pig. This is usually seen in people 60+ or under 25.
Was hired at a company as a designer. Went to the production meeting and sat down beside another designer (introduced myself and we started chatting). In comes everyone else and sits down. We all start chatting and do introductions.
Five minutes into the meeting the company owner comes in, chatting with a salesman. He glances around the room, then his face freezes on me - he then looks at the guy beside me and keeps looking back and forth. He finally motions for me to come outside the conference room. I walk out and he asks me what I was doing there. I tell him ‘remember, you hired me and my start day was today??’
He turned pale and just said ‘oh yeah I forgot’. He let me go back in the room but then I heard him call the guy beside me out.
The guy never came back. Apparently he had intended on firing him and forgot.
Needless to say I didn’t stay long before I found another job. The place was complete chaos.
Omg he had hired the replacement already and forgot to fire the guy… what a mess, and what an idiot
Yeah, I was young and it was my first job out of college (technically I worked thru college but this was my first after graduation) so I was very inexperienced still and also didn’t know what to look for when it came to red flags.
The owner’s wife worked there in a ‘higher up’ position and was the major cause of a lot of conflict at the company. Basically he would give people orders then she would come along and contradict them.
If anyone disagreed with her then she would go to hubby and complain about said person(s) making it impossible to please either because you couldn’t prove her wrong. That designer in particular was just the latest of ‘trophy wife’s wrath’. The place had an insane turnover rate I quickly found out.
At least it was a good learning experience and taught me to ask questions and meet people during the interview process.
I hired a woman once to work in the retail store I was managing at the time. After lunch, I noticed one of my long time employees crying in the break room. She had lost her wallet and whoever took it had wiped out her bank account at the Walmart next door. I called the manager over there and he pulled up the video and low and behold it was the new lady over there buying up gift cards. We called the police and after verifying what happened, they asked me if I wanted them to handle it quietly or to make a scene. I chose make a scene and they went into the backroom handcuffed her, told her why she was being arrested in front of everyone and marched her out. Needless to say HR agreed it should be an immediate termination.
Why were you fired?
- I stole a coworker’s wallet
- I defrauded Walmart buying gift cards
- I am very stupid
That’s an impressive trifecta.
The worst part to me was that before the girl whose wallet it was checked her bank account and saw all the charges, this lady was “helping” her look for it in the store.
What a cunt.
Lo* and behold.
I got your back. 👍 Please take the emoji as a sign of this not being condescending.
Wait you can choose whether you want to make a scene? That’s awesome!
The Theater Kid that became a cop is so happy too!
Enter COP, left.
Exit COP and SUSPECT, right.
I love that they asked you if you wanted a scene. I would have chose it too!
If the “handle quietly” option was chosen in a movie, they would have taken the thief out the back, laid down some bubble wrap, put the silencers on their glock service pistols…
I actually think that’s a little disgusting. The police are choosing Corporate Interests over simply following the evidence and upholding the Law, no matter who broke it, or where they were employed…
What??? The police were going to arrest this person regardless. They just asked if OP wanted attention drawn to them or not.
One time someone showed up to work that was clearly different than the person from the interview. They never even got their badge.
So they hired a professional interviewee to be interviewed for them? Amazing. I wonder how you’d get that job, and what the recruitment process would be like?
This is not uncommon in IT type jobs with individuals from a certain country. I was at lunch with a coworker when he was approached to do an interview for a cousin of one of his friends. I must have looked puzzled because he explained it to me and I was flabbergasted. He said that it was more common during phone interviews, but since “they all look the same” to white hiring managers, it still happens over video interviews.
Hate it when I do an interview with Don Cheadle and Terrence Howard shows up
It’s more they have a friend that speaks better English do the interview and hope that big companies don’t notice a difference when they start the job.
Had that happen to me once. Guy we phone screened did not match the guy on the video interview. Immediately bounced, you could tell their accent and talking style was different.
My wife had a guy start at her company the same day she did, but he got fired that same day because for reasons no one understands he decided it would be wise to make his Teams (or whatever they used. Slack? I can’t remember) profile picture a meme that said “Epstein didn’t kill himself” or something to that effect.
It was a six figure software engineering job, too. I cannot imagine losing a job like that for such a silly, self-inflicted reason.
At my last job some intern burst into Slack calling everyone “mald” for disagreeing with his sexist memes. That whole event was just a couple of hours.
Tf is mald?
I assume the intern meant malding? As in, he’s saying everyone was upset.
TF is “malding?”
Apparently it’s some kind of Twitch meme.
Damn I’m old
Similar to “coping” and “seething”
I’m curious about the etymology. It’s not in any classic lexicon.
Mad & balding is what I understand it to be.
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I believe it’s supposed to be a portmanteau of “mad” and “bald,” possibly implying that we were discontent merely because of age.
The portmanteau is correct, but “malding” means that the person is balding from sheer anger.
It’s a slang term used as a verb usually. To mald is to be mad. He was calling them mad.
When you are so mad you bald
Mad while balding.
Maybe maid? But i am not the original commentor
Mad while balding.
But did he kill himself?
I know you’re joking, but the department of justice finished their investigation and found a whole lot of ineptitude and negligence, but no conspiracy
I was a contacted technician at a retail store. They hired a new salesperson, immediately gave me weird vibes. On his lunch break, he came over to show me what I thought was going to be a meme on his phone - it was porn.
He was asked not to return for a second shift.
Lmao. This dude is sharing porn on this first day of work, like that is a totally acceptable thing to do.
Well… I’ve run into people here on Lemmy that legit believe that it’s okay to take your workers out to a drag show as a corporate event.
So I’m sure that there’s plenty of people that believe that softcore porn is on the table during work hours.
Drag shows are not necessarily pornographic, they’re often just theatre and comedy, and I’m confused how you got this impression that they are pornographic.
The most well known drag queen in Australia for decades was Dame Edna (now deceased) and no one would have batted an eye at going to watch her perform with work colleagues.
Drag shows are not necessarily pornographic,
Sure… But you’re using a bad example. And I think that’s part of the point… lots of people are lumping things in that just isn’t a “drag show” into it to make it out that people like me are anti-whatever.
If we use your example… It’s not a drag show… it’s a character. One that was put on specifically for comedy. “Drag” isn’t even mentioned on the page. Dressing in drag and putting on a comedy show isn’t the same as a “drag show”. Eg. RuPaul’s proclivity to pole dance and emulate sexual acts on that particular televised series.
If you think Dame Edna wasn’t a drag performance you’ve lost the plot.
The way you’re equating all drag performance with pornography or “lewd acts” is equally ridiculous. Not all drag shows are dancing.
You must think that all women on streaming sites are cam girls by that logic.
You are very clearly anti-something, by the looks of it anti-intellectual might be a start.
The way you’re equating all drag performance with pornography or “lewd acts” is equally ridiculous.
I specifically AGREED with you that you were right that all shows are not necessarily pornographic… The fuck dude? Are you dumb?
Oh so my example of a man, dressing as a woman, and doing a performance is a bad example because it doesn’t fit your clearly borderline pornographic concept of drag shows but I’m missing the point?
Please elaborate.
Dressing in drag and putting on a comedy show isn’t the same as a “drag show”.
yes it is?
you’re thinking of burlesque. Burlesque has implied nudity, drag shows are comedic.
From the link @cypher linked at this post
A drag show is a form of entertainment performed by drag artists impersonating men or women, typically in a bar or nightclub. Shows can range from burlesque-style, adult themed nightclub acts to all-ages events with sing-alongs and story times.
Using sources that people have linked AGAINST me… It shows the same thing I’ve been talking about. Just because all of them aren’t this way doesn’t mean that it’s magically okay to do as a mandated corporate event.
Just because you don’t highlight ‘all ages events’ doesn’t mean it’s not part of the quote
Yeh there is a huge double standard on this site.
On the technicians line of an electronics manufacturing facility, had a new hire come in on his first day. He was friendly. So much so that he wanted to use my workstation to log into his Yahoo mail and show me some pictures some female sent him. He calls up the photos and it’s full nudity real big on my computer monitor. I tell him “dude, we can’t have porn at work, close that out.” He panics and turns off the monitor. At some point I have to turn the monitor and close out of the browser, when no one is looking.
He was showing a pretty inattentiveness to his first day on the job training just not seeming to want to have anything to do that’s any kind of actual work.
Before the lunch break, he announced that he’s going to the restroom, then is never seen again. All I could tell the supervisor was that he said he was going to the restroom hours ago then haven’t seen him since.
Ctrl+W closes the current tab in most modern browsers. For the future.
There’s so many lazy as fuck people like that. It’s incredible. I wonder how they survive?
Over the years I’ve seen about a dozen people who just walk out while claiming they’re going to the bathroom.
Sometimes I wonder how some people get hired.
Our hiring coordinator hires any idiot that applies. We ask her not to. She continues to do it.
Her time will come
Not so good at hiring. Is she really excellent at coordinating?