Good meme, but we really ought to end small-penis hatred.
It’s not the small penis we hate, it’s the loud car.
My most satisfying sexual experience was with a small dude
I begged him for a second date. I think he was self-conscious about it. Dude was marriage material
I m a small dude thx to give me confidence
Yes, but we use the small penis as an insult, which is not fair.
I don’t understand nudity options in games. You got average and above average. Few people gonna go with average then.
Those are noobs though, just git good and save the world with a small dick.
I hate a lot of things.
Guess i should start body shaming because of that?No. Only insecure losers bodyshame.
It’s like with the “do you punch a Nazi?”, even pacifists have limits.
Then again, I think for me it’s ok to hit people where it hurts when you want to hurt them— and penis size is the “alpha males” easy and effective target just like crowd size is a certain assholes weakness.
Not even remotely comparable. When you punch a Nazi you are only hurting a Nazi.
When you body shame you hurt every single person who has that characteristic.If everyone started shitting on characteristics you possess you probably wouldn’t like it either.
Have some fucking empathy.Ok, except what if only the target is within earshot and it’s used exclusively to make that person feel like shit? And would this be true of any other insult that could potentially apply to someone else, like being bad at something? Although I guess if harm is the goal, empathy isn’t exactly a priority.
I’ll concede you’re right about collateral damage, though. Friends of mine know I don’t actually believe the insult in most cases (especially penis size, what am I, 12?), but I use more tact if I’m worried it would upset present company or being up bad memories, etc (more commonly fat shaming). I also don’t insult people like I used to, though.
But, I don’t really hold anything sacred and I’m not about to hold back a good insult for a hypothetical person.
Drag doesn’t know a single person who buys into that penis size stuff and isn’t a conservative. In fact, most of drag’s friends have a penis and want to get rid of it.
deleted by creator
Problem is that this legitimizes their belief that there are set characteristics that define people as “manly.”
Every 30 years or so we make some sort of social progress for women and/or LGBT people, and then a panic ensues that society is trying to destroy manliness. The Joe Rogans and Andrew Tates of the world suddenly pop up and start selling their nonsense that will magically make them the man’s men that their grandfathers were (while in fact their grandfathers were being told the same thing.)
The solution to this isn’t to tell the loud whiners that their exact fears are true. It’s to divorce ourselves from the notion that being a man is determined by penis/testicle size, or even by having them at all. By telling the bigots that their worst fears are true, we’re tacitly endorsing their bigotry as legitimate, when we should be doing the exact opposite of that.
Counterpoint: it’s the hate that makes them compensate?
Testicle size and reproductive potency are entirely unrelated to penis size, for all the men out there. And if you only ever have one partner at a time that you want to make babies with, you don’t really need to be a super stud in the testicle department. You just need regular sexual contact with your lady half.
But this shows that even if you do want all the ladies, large testicles don’t matter.
(Aside; people with breeder fetishes who impregnate multiple women are fucking gross and weird. Musk is one such and just… eew.)
It’s not about the actual size, it’s more like a mindset
It’s not the size that counts, it’s how you use it.
It’s the compatibility with a partner imo, the match is everything - the technical details are mostly irrelevant once events take place
this (the study) is about the crystal balls, not the magic wand.
In primates small testicle size is correlated with how many males a female typically mates with. More males mating with the same female means the male that produces the most sperm has an advantage. So gorillas have tiny balls because every troop only has one silverback male, and chimps have horrifically huge nuts because there’s a lot of competition for mates from other males in the troop.
Interestingly, humans fall roughly in the middle of the scale in terms of ball size!
Yet the head of a human penis is shaped for removing competing semen from a woman’s vagina
That’s some kinky shit
You don’t wanna know what your ancestors got up to
I don’t even wanna know what my grandma got up to
Or even your mom
And you don’t want your kids to know what you were up to. You should surely tell you your grandkids though.
Kinky by nature.
it’s obviously shaped like that for camouflage in autumnal forests
Ah yes, nature’s ghillie suit.
General rule amongst those groups: “If you can’t be good, be loud.”
As someone with a loud car, I can confirm
Those three monkes look like they’re singing For the Longest Time
It must be a rule on the internet:
There’s always a relevant xkcd.
I have been told all through my life I have a voice that carries
I’m conflicted because I love cars and how they work (including EVs!!!) but also don’t entirely love how loud they can be.
I got a GR Corolla which has a little tiny 3 cylinder engine, but it’s so loud on cold starts. Luckily I live in the woods, because I would feel so bad cold starting it in a neighborhood.
I’m conflicted because I love my car, but can also appreciate how cars just don’t have to be so loud that they give you temporary deafness as they drive by. Unfortunately with internal combustion, louder generally equals better flow in the exhaust which equals more power.
Enjoy it! You could be driving another fun car with a completely boring sounding engine (cough FL5 cough) with almost no good sounding exhausts that aren’t just noise.
Don’t be ashamed. Embrace the beautiful roar of your mighty little three-cylinder nugget. Let The raucous tones flow through your veins and release that sweet sweet dopamine when you jam the throttle pedal to the floor.
Peter Dutton represent…
I can literally hear these monkeys singing.
Boy, maga cultists sure are loud AF…
This makes me sad. I installed a loud as fuck exhaust on my car, but it broke sound limits at the track so I had to get a quieter setup. Mostly I’m sad because of my tiny penis tho.
I can’t handle stupid right now.
You picked the wrong millennium to live in.
Is there a right millennium? The end of the first millennium had people believing that the tick-over would cause the apocalypse, with all computers everywhere immediately detonating, and the whole economy rendered valueless dust.
compensate much?