Officials were initially sceptical about the prospect of recovering any of the bodies.

“This is an incredibly unforgiving environment down there on the seafloor,” Coast Guard Adm John Mauger said, shortly after the loss of the vessel was confirmed.

Cpt Neubauer said at the time that investigators would take “all precautions” if they discovered human remains and that the probe would likely include a formal hearing with witness testimony.

So far, the coast guard says, five major pieces of the sub have been found in a large debris field near the bow of the Titanic.

The debris brought ashore on Wednesday appeared to include at least one titanium end cap, the sub’s porthole with its window missing, as well as a titanium ring, landing frame and the end equipment bay, according to BBC science correspondent Jonathan Amos.

  • Cold
    1 year ago

    I’ve read what explosive decompression does to the body. I wonder what… Explosive compression does to the body