I definitely want to make another cosmetic pass on this building, but this will be the general shape.

I think the interior is now fully “done” except for painting. It’s got all the lighting it needs, all the catwalks I intend to add, and supports for everything.

I also gutted the re-balancer I used to have here, for the 3 belts of screws, after I discovered that (A) I built it wrong, and it was limiting throughput, instead of balancing it out, and (B) I didn’t actually need it in the first place. I’ve got exactly 20 Constructors feeding Screws to exactly 10 Assemblers making Rotors, so as long as each of the 3 belts has a 2-to-1 ratio of producers to consumers, the belts will just be fully balanced on their own. I re-routed a couple of the Constructors to achieve this, and Rotor production quickly caught up to Screw production.


  • glimse@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    The game is called SatisFACTORY and I never once thought to build a factory. All my shit is just outside, exposed to the weather…

    I should really take your approach when I replay it