I don’t see anyone mentioning the proportions of the bars. For example, on the 1st item, $1 vs $2.99 is not even double the size…
At first, I was assaulted by the percentage representation. Then I cooled down and thought, it’s not the percentage, but those bars are the absolute height of the price! Me smart, until I took a look again and now my hate is burning so, so hard for this graph. It is designed to enrage.
They’re not. The $3 bar is not 3x the height of the $1 bar next to it. The $2.99 bar on the right is higher than the $2.99 bar on the left. Someone just free drew the bars and it’s extremely noticeable and annoying.
They borked their graph to make room for the picture of the girl for some reason
I think they scaled them in proportion to their group.
Remove one entire group (e.g. 2014) and I think you will see it.
Not sure what you mean. The McChicken bars are not showing a 200% increase regardless of how you slice it.
It’s still not consistent… The $11 2024 10-piece nugget is less than double the $5 4-piece nugget of the same year. The 2014 mcdouble and 2014 oreo mcflurry are way too close to eachother 😢
Hah! That’s a very good point. Why make a bar chart if it’s not even showcasing the correct values, which in this case actually helps the message?
The graph itself’s utter lack of proportion is more infuriating than the content.
I don’t always ruin my graphs, but when i do it’s to advertise for the company the graph is dumping on
I love how what’s close to the median Y-axis value is by far the tallest, meanwhile the lowest Y-axis value is the fourth tallest bar and the highest Y-axis value is by far the shortest bar
Sooooo, stop eating there? It’s expensive enough bowing to the grocery cartels, who can afford to eat out?
Yet another reason to stop eating there
You mean providing a photo opportunity for a billionaire to roleplay being a poor to help him get elected wasn’t enough to get progressive to boycott them? I think that’s much more actively politically involved than Hobby Lobby or Chic Fil A.
I can blame McDonald’s for a lot of things, but not this. They didn’t really get a choice.
They could make it policy not to publicly endorse political candidates in their stores.
God I wish that plane went down
Beat meat to it.
Also nice username.
The graph is fucked btw. Read the values its different than the bars. Also a gaph like this should set the starting point for everything on the same level and only show the change not how much it changed by. You could put a car on this graph and shiw how its price increased by 100$ which would blow out all the other data even though its price only changed by 1% for example.
Also doesn’t cite source or state units
$ is used by many currencies, is it AUD?
Chilean Pesos
Ahh the one us cent meal
You might say the graph itself is “mildly infuriating”
Yeah but its funny because its clear the post isnt about the graph it self
Yeah very poorly done
Yeah I’d be curious to see a graph with inflation accounted for.
Inflation of the Dollar since 2014 added 33%, everything above that is not inflation.
What’s actually infuriating are those bar charts.
At this point, you’re better off going for the lunch specials at an asian restaurant. Same price, more filling, and less unhealthy.
I found a bakery in town that does subs. You can get a brisket sub for the same price as subway with fresh bread and ingredients and the bread is wider than the skinny subway loaves so you get more overall
True fact… Depending on which Asian restaurant yes.