Also: why not give Texas back to Mexico? It’d solve their obsession with “the border problem.”
Because Mexico already has enough problems without having to deal with Texans?
But think of all the oil they could sell to the US!
There are Texans on top of that oil.
They would just move back into the Us. And with the settlers gone, indigenous people may be allowed ot move back.
waves hand minor inconvenience.
You move that gods damned line to include Michigan. Right fucking now.
Nope. Move to a real blue state if you wanna come. MI has betrayed us too many times. We don’t need that in New Canada.
As a Michigander myself I fucking demand this also
You guys decided to vote for the fascist.
So did Minnesota.
It was closer than I’d care to admit, but no.
The map looks awful, but empty land doesn’t vote.
My mistake, thanks
Okay okay. We’ll round up and murder the MAGATs and their moms. Then we can join, right?
Sounds like something a MAGAT would do to own the libs.
The entirety of Michigan? Or should the Upper Peninsula stay a part of the US?
/c/CartographyAnarchy is leaking
Michigan is a red state though.
Illinois is the real loser here.
You can have islands that belong to countries, why not land locked enclaves! (Yes I under logistics and such)
What if we just take the empty parts of WY and MT to connect CO?