Biden can’t even warmonger properly lmao. Looks like Zelensky and Ukraine could be turning away from US and opening up some diplomatic channels with Russia.

US tried so hard to make this into a war but everyone seems to be getting sick of their sundowning ramblings.

  • Seems to Have backfired spectaculary , ( But i have to admit they had me for 2 days… , fucking Psy-Ops… ) … the amazing part was that it appears to have been a Schoolboy Plot , to get a Proxy war in Ukraine and to force germany away from russia (probably with the greens in the goverment they speculated they would follow) and the Result is that Germany distanced themself from Nato (with Silent backing from most of the EU , especially France) , approved NS2 , and Ukraine is distancing itself from the USA currently . . . . .

    Great Success… , oh and Cuba , venezuela and Nicaragua will soon host Russian troops it seems ? … great deal you did there , trading Ukraine (non vital interest) against the Monroe Doctrin (the Vital strategic interest) and not even getting Ukraine…


      • This is why it’s so interesting to me that Russia is still treated as a Big Bad. We should get along great with Russia now! I’m not sure what it is, is it just leftover red scare Russophobia? Or is Russia too unwilling to bend to American pressure and we just don’t like that? Or something else?