The Brazilian diplomat who will chair the next United Nations climate summit praised China on Thursday (Jan 23) as an example in the fight against climate change while admonishing rich countries for shirking their responsibilities.
By reducing the price of solar panels and of electric cars, China is giving infinitely more support to the developing world (on climate change) than if it were just providing symbolic amounts (of aid), which is what the developed countries want.
China will definitely become the dominant super power in the world. And all that it has to do is just keep focus on expending it’s economic influence in the third world, building up it’s renewable infrastructure, and build relationships with countries that the US overlooks or undermines.
Honestly not just third world countries. The UK has been warmimg up to China, with Trump being elected and Brexit being a problem. It is not like Trump is not trying to kill deals with other developed countries as well.
Also true: They still burn unfathomable amounts of coal.