Of the examples they gave I really think only Fisuxcel’s tranny faggot comment was ban worthy. And even then he’s not even a admin here and lemmy world could have just deleted his community.

Maybe Wiggle hards sodom and gomorrah reference post (of which I lold) But I mean that is a mainstream religious view whether they like it or not.

I suggest in the future admin’s keep their edgy content on alt accounts and in communities that pussy instances can just block.

In this way federation may work a little better.

On the one hand, fuck lemmy world. On the other hand, instances defederating hurts everyone so I do think it is our responsibility to work with them a little bit if they can be reasonable about it.

I take full responsibility for my Biden Pedo post which was featured. Biden is a Pedo but it was animated and perhaps I could have tagged it nsfw.

  • Frogge@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    Honestly I only found this place because of all the fuss. Would have preferred to use one instance for everything but the divide is only growing these days. I suppose it is what it is.

    • DungDefender@exploding-heads.com
      1 year ago

      Created an account here specifically cause of the announcement too. Seems like a lot of these servers are increasingly becoming echo chambers for the far left.

  • markeuzu@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    We are good neighbours. I dont see the issues. Lemmy world admins are bullied by their community into choices and thats completely up to them. If they want to be like a budget version of Beehaw we cant stop them. I also think that the people that dont want to deal with the influx of easily triggered people find their way here.

        • M Force @exploding-heads.comOP
          1 year ago

          I don’t have any problem with gays you guys are just to sensitive. It’s when you dangle butt plugs in front of children we tend to get mad. You are not special for liking pp in your bhole.

          Also I think admins keeping their extreme views in places other’s can easily block out is a very polite thing to do I don’t know what you are complaining about.

          Dessalines of at lemmy.ml keeps all his genocide denying post in a alt at lemmygrad.

          • i-liek-french-toast@exploding-heads.com
            1 year ago

            I don’t have any problem with gays you guys are just to sensitive.

            Agreed. For starters, anything in a “meme” sub shouldn’t be taken too seriously. Comments elsewhere on the Internet aren’t always as clear but I think people get offended over empty words way too fucking often.

            Most all of the anti-lgbt from me is focused solely on the “t”. And even then, 99% of it is poking fun. I’m certainly not calling for people to be burned at the stake or anything remotely like that. I’m just sick of sites where I’m not allowed to express the opinion that trans propaganda needs to stay the fuck away from kids and that trans shouldn’t be competing with women in sports and it’s ok to like Harry fucking Potter.

            I actually know several gays irl and can hold a civil conversation with them, don’t hate them, etc. That doesn’t mean I’m going to fly a rainbow flag during June or that I want the streaming services I am paying money to to misrepresent how large the lgbt population is by putting them in every tv show or that I want that lgbt stuff in kids shows.

  • i-liek-french-toast@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    IMO it was inevitable and while ostensibly it was about language/slurs/etc, I think that was just a convenient excuse. I remember years ago before reddit, before twitter, before the political correctness campaign… How people could exist on forums and throw out actual slurs and really racist comments as a joke and people wouldn’t get all butthurt and bent out of shape over it.

    Fast forward to present day, and we all know that here’s a lot of folks out there who just can’t stand the idea that people don’t buy into liberal ideals / mainstream media / etc. And they’ve proven time and again on other platforms that you don’t have to be far right or even right at all, you don’t even have to say anything politically incorrect before they start the labeling and calling for bans.

    I’m sure most of us here have had run-ins with people who call us bigots, nazis, *phobs, etc merely for having a different opinion. I’ve had discussions on Reddit before where I can’t even have the opinion that a sub not doing rainbows in their banner during pride month doesn’t automatically equate to “we hate lgbt”.

    The way lemmy is built, users are perfectly capable of blocking specific insurance / subs / users they can’t agree with on the user level. But that’s not good enough for the far left and they feel the need to take away their users choices and block entire instances at the site level and pressure/threaten other instances to do the same or likewise risk being blocked (not really sure which of these camps lemmy world falls into). But talk about overly sensitive people.

    On the one hand, fuck lemmy world

    Agreed. Whether they’re caving to peer pressure from leftist instances or on a high horse themselves, if they are going to behave that way then they’re no better than beecuck.

    For my part, after I saw the post about them blocking us late last night, I decided to share some of my collection of based memes over on /c/dankmemes

    • yobama@exploding-heads.com
      1 year ago

      No it’s actually how most non-americans look at you right-wing nuts in the States. And then you still think it can’t be about you guys being racist, homophobic and calling people slurs. “No it must be political oppression, damn leftists”.

      Your brain so smooth you can’t get hurt, everything just slides off.