• Calculate2093@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    That’s fucking insane… Also, what kind of mother would let him do that to her child?

    Not even the lefty trolls in here would defend this, right?

    • aski3252@exploding-heads.com
      1 year ago

      Not a troll, but I am a lefty.

      Breast feeding is biologically possible for trans women, there is medication that allows women to produce milk without having been pregnant (not just for trans women, but also biological women who adopted a child, for example). So this is not necessarily a “performative” or “kink” thing, there could be a practical reason for this in the same way that there is a practical reason for biological women to breastfeed their child.

      Having said that, it is in my opinion questionable and controversial. The main focus should imo be on the health and safety of the child, not the parent. As far as I know, there are some potential risk involved with the medicine which makes the whole thing questionable to me, but this applies both when it’s used by biological women and trans women.

      The main issue that leftists have with posts like this is that they seem to imply that trans women are not able to produce milk and are thus not able to breastfeed, which is misleading. And even if it turned out that this trans-person did it for sexual reasons (which would obviously be bad), it does not mean that all trans people are pedophiles or child molesters or even that all trans people breastfeed children… They are people at the end of the day and like all people, they are not a hivemind, not all of them are evil and not all of them are angels…

    • Neinmooliyans@exploding-heads.com
      1 year ago

      If you are a leftist you are a pedophile

      The left has chosen to make their tentpole issue covering for pedophiles. That makes them enablers, therefore pedophiles themselves.

      I’d understand if they weren’t aware this is their main issue but leftists won’t shut the fuck up about pedophiles and their rights. There’s no excuse.

      • Ilikecheese@vlemmy.net
        1 year ago

        Not everyone on the left agrees on every issue. Clearly this person isn’t in their right mind, and I think the vast majority of the left would agree with that.

        By the “logic” you’re using I could easily say “if you’re right wing you are a member of the KKK because enabler”