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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/AshamedMention1764 on 2023-07-07 20:00:10+00:00.

I F23 have 4 kids ( F5, F3, F3, and F1) and I’m also expecting my 5th child. So As you can probably tell from the ages, I’m overwhelmed with my kids and extremely exhausted by the end of the day… my husband works long shifts, so I primarily take care of the kids.

My husband ( M27) wants a big family and I honestly don’t think I’m equipped to handle the load of having any more children after this one. So I asked my husband if I could get a nanny to just come twice a week or put the kids in a day camp. He’s against daycare because of the bad reputation it gets and the nanny, he thinks it can get pricey so he suggested that maybe this upcoming school year I homeschool my eldest and have her help me out. But I really don’t agree with that, for starters she’s only 5 and I already feel bad for the little things she does do by keeping her sisters entertained When I’m busy with housework and lastly, I was homeschooled for the majority of my school years and I honestly hated it and wish I went to public school.

My husband now thinks I’m not taking into consideration his parenting choices and that I’m being selfish by not wanting to come to some sort of agreement regarding this… a lot of people in my life would probably agree with him, so I need an unbiased perspective AITA?