I love my therapist, but they have a job too do and my dark humor doesn’t always land.

  • MuhammadJesusGaySex@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Yeah, I find myself chasing pleasure. Like, A LOT. Like, I’m not suicidal or anything, and things can always be worse. But, the short version is. We have a special needs kid. My partner and I have a special needs kid together. My partner also payed for my addiction treatment.

    When we found out that our kid is special needs. My partner didn’t want to be stay at home parent. So, I volunteered. But, we are a family of 4 with one car, and one drivers license (me).

    Obviously I can’t leave them, because so many reasons. But I am a full time chauffeur starting at 5am when I take my partner to get coffee. Till 5 or 6 pm when I get dinner.

    Could it be worse? Absolutely. But as I get older, and more sober. I find myself liking people less. Even my own family. I want to be clear that I don’t hate my family. I would just very much like to see less of them.

    I have taken up fishing, but as I’m the only means of transportation for everyone. I don’t get to go as much as I’d like. But such is life.

    This is kind of the quick and dirty version. Of course life is always more nuanced than this, but I figured that since you gave a well thought out answer the least I could do is give enough information to give context to what I was asking.