The rise of AI and its integration with the attention-driven internet has led to a concerning trend where feelings matter more than facts. The author, once optimistic about YouTube’s potential for spreading good ideas, now realizes that the internet’s focus on triggering emotions for attention has overshadowed the importance of truth. Manipulation and misinformation thrive because they provoke strong feelings, while reasoned arguments struggle to compete. This shift poses a threat to reliable information sources and highlights the deep-rooted role of emotions in human decision-making. The internet’s relentless pursuit of attention has made truth an optional extra, with credibility often overshadowed by visually appealing but misleading content.

    1 year ago

    I would say that if a thing can be destroyed by ChatGPT then it probably needed to be destroyed, or at least reworked to meet the times. It’s not a lot different than people saying that calculators would destroy kids’ ability to do math, or that Wikipedia would ruin people’s ability to do research. It’s a tool, with its strengths and limitations, and should be used as such.