I scrobble to Last.fm for recommendations, but I’m not sure you can get DRM free without maintaining your own library.
I scrobble to Last.fm for recommendations, but I’m not sure you can get DRM free without maintaining your own library.
Roku is data harvesting trash
It’s my favorite way to shower. I don’t know if it’s my ADHD or what, but it’s super relaxing, one of the few times I can actually feel that sensation.
I hate to be a bummer, so if that’s not something you want to read about, skip over this one.
My week has been rough.
My sweet budgie is starting to show her age. On Sunday, I ended up taking her to the emergency avian vet almost 2 hours away because she was straining to poop and not eating very much. After a rough 5 hour wait, the vet told me that she had high levels of bacteria in her crop and blood in her stool. Luckily, the bacteria can be handled with antibiotics and the blood in her stool is likely from ulcerations caused by straining, which can heal given time and two other meds. The downside is that, until the 19th, she has to be fed her drugs 5 separate times a day. This involves grabbing her with a towel, and using a syringe to spray the drugs in her mouth as she tries to bite it. Obviously, this greatly stresses her and she really hates it. After the 19th, this luckily will get reduced to 2x a day until we see the vet again.
I just hope I’m doing the right thing. She’s such a good bird and deserves to feel comfortable in her senior years. I’m super attached to her, more than I realized. It’s going to be hard when her time comes.
deleted by creator
3 months later, and you’re still getting banned and still saying the same lines.
I just came back after like 3 months, it’s hilarious that he’s still playing the victim.
There is no way the storage medium survived all of that time in a dump. If it made it that far, it’s probably crushed, turned to rust, or both. It’s a lost cause.
Yes, you’ve already established that you can’t comprehend chosing the “least bad” option and that you find fascism entertaining to witness. Do you have anything of substance to add or are you just going to keep saying the same thing?
You can’t even spell hypocrite, so I don’t believe you know what that word means.
And no, Trump has frequently said that he’ll actively help end the war in Gaza (but not through peace). He is going to help wipe them off of the map. It’s not just “no finger wagging”. It’s scorched earth, and for some reason you find that “entertaining”.
Nice one, are you actually 12?
Our choices were status quo (sending bombs and finger wagging) or fascism (turning Gaza to glass and bulldozing it so that Israel can complete their genocide and take the land for themselves). The country chose fascism. If you’re saying Trump is better in this regard, then you need to work on your critical thinking skills.
Guess what‽ It no longer matters what Kamala would have done, she lost the election. Trump has promised to help Israel wipe Gaza off the map to end the war. Since you find his fascist antics entertaining, you’re in for that treat.
Also, how much time do you save by not typing out “your”?
“what about…”
I don’t doubt that the Dems had a poor campaign. However, I’m totally allowed to blame the dumbasses that voted for fascism. These dumbasses are ultimately the ones that filled the box for our authoritarian future. I’ll say it again: fuck them.
Glad you find fascism entertaining. You’ll enjoy Trump turning Gaza to glass then.
Biden shouldn’t have seeked a second term in the first place. If I recall correctly, in his 2020 campaign he claimed he would step aside after his term, and now that he didn’t hold to it, we’re screwed. The Dems never had a full campaign, and Biden (unintentionally) sabotaged any chance they had to win. This is definitely how he’ll be remembered.
I’m trans and I’m terrified, terrified for my queer friends and family, terrified for Ukraine and Palestine, and terrified for the planet.
If you didn’t vote or voted for this piece of shit, fuck you. If you voted for him, you deserve the massive inflation and shit he’s about to put you through.
I think I need to stop following this at this point. I wish everyone the best.
AP decision desk update for Arizona:
Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix, has reported its first votes. The massive county is key for candidates. Its first update included more than a million votes, about half of the expected total there. The first reported votes were ballots that arrived or were cast ahead of Election Day. County election officials have warned it could take as long as 13 days to tabulate all ballots.