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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 14th, 2023


  • It’s from the Onion! The artist is Ward Sutton but he’s drawing the comics from the point of view of a character named “Kelly” who is a parody of an old right wing guy (according to the Internet) who hates political correctness, hence the exaggerated scenarios in the comics. The “haha yes” sickos guy (who I guess sometimes shows up in a thought bubble) usually feels like a parody of how the right views various left wing policies in that the comic overplays / exaggerates the disastrous effects of said policies (to make fun of how absurd those fears are) while the “leftist sickos” cheer on the disastrous results.

    The comics basically make fun of how extremely the right views progressive policy and the sickos guy is kind of pointing out how absurd it is to view someone as bad faith (ie a sicko knowingly cheering on the disastrous effects of a progressive policy) who supports something as simple as green energy, drug legalization, or bike lanes. It’s fun to use as a reaction image to anything progressive happening because obviously wanting something like for example affordable healthcare obviously doesn’t make you a sicko. (Or in this case wanting a terrible person to actually face actual legal consequences for the harm they’ve done)

  • Things around me aren’t that far per se, but you have to cross a 45mph road (where people regularly drive 55-60 because it’s designed like a highway) along several sections of unconnected sidewalk if you want to get there without a car. The sidewalks are 4ft wide at most and have no separation from the car lanes so you have to walk with cars whizzing by just a couple feet from you. There’s also no shade.

    For reference - it takes 5 minutes to drive to the nearest grocery store 1 mile away, but walking it’s 31 minutes with the unpleasant conditions I mentioned. So I’ve never walked there. I could bike and it would take 10 minutes, but biking along cars at 50mph doesn’t sound fun. I also live on a bike path, but it doesn’t go to the nearest grocery store so the nearest one along the bike path would take the same amount of time as if I walked to the nearest one (25 minutes). That one is 3.5 miles (11min) by car or a 1hr walk.

  • Seems doable - my first thought would be to use an esp c6 that supports WiFi 6 and wpa3, and im sure I’ve seen some people bit bang fast ethernet from a microcontroller and bridge that to the WiFi.

    My main problem is that I have wpa2 iot devices that don’t have Ethernet ports, so they won’t connect to my ssid which has 6ghz enabled and thus is forced by my router manufacturer to be in wpa3 only mode.

  • Fuckk I’m not autistic to my knowledge but I feel this so much in online interactions especially and it’s so confusing. I’m usually trying to contribute information or just have a conversation and people often think I’m trying to argue (I guess because presenting new information automatically = dunking or being argumentative somehow) and I’ve ended up just not wanting to interact much or I preemptively try to phrase things as questions (like “isn’t x” or “I thought y”) and it’s so exhausting trying to do that all the time and it makes me want to crawl in a hole and not interact with anybody.

  • My main complaint is when it decides to just stop casting to Chromecast in the middle of episodes randomly - then I have to open the app, reconnect, and resume.

    Also I find the Chromecast controls stop responding frequently making it so I can’t pause what I’m watching - it’ll like disconnect from the Chromecast but keep playing.

    My partner also complains about lots of bugs on the iOS app.