Did the US government tell Google to censor Tiannamen Square, or are they a global company that has to observe more than the whims of a single country?
I hope other countries start renaming the US soon.
Did the US government tell Google to censor Tiannamen Square, or are they a global company that has to observe more than the whims of a single country?
I hope other countries start renaming the US soon.
Why didn’t they change it only in the US and not elsewhere? Could you imagine the uproar if Google censored Tiananmen Square world wide because of the Chinese government?
PS: Yes it was modified for everyone outside the US too. I am not American but your “president” is now allowed to change what name I have to call something?
I’ve had problems with just regular package upgrades. Also to be fair, Windows does have service packs which can add significant new OS features without updating to a whole other version, so it’s not like Windows XP/Vista/7/10/11 stay the exact same from when you install them.
Plus the irony is that a lot of the features in this meme have to do with Wayland, and I can’t find many LTS releases that even use it? It’ll take years before these features are included in releases that aren’t bleeding edge and will still require a whole OS reinstall to actually get them.
Must have had bad luck! I mean I’ve fixed many a Windows computer in my time so I know it’s not perfect, but I guess my expertise helps me avoid a lot of the pitfalls of Windows by not loading up all kinds of dodgy software.
Linux though will break when you do everything right, and that’s what gets me every time.
I mean I’ve worked IT for decades so I know how to do this stuff, but I also don’t want to do it after 8 hours of being paid to do it at work and all I want is to pull up a game to play on my free time without any more effort.
Linux is only free if your time is free. I also would never recommend Linux to anyone who isn’t an IT professional. 🤷
I’ve had Windows installations that chugged along for 10 years with only regular software updates. It does get slow and bloated over time, but it keeps working without any maintenance or fixing.
Meanwhile I can’t find a Linux distribution that doesn’t self-destruct in about 6 months of regular desktop use. Every time some software update corrupts GRUB, breaks X/Wayland, or something else that unexpectedly makes my computer unusable and requires me to spend hours fixing it or in some cases giving up and installing a different distro.
Let me know when a desktop Linux distro is as reliable as my 10 year old Windows install please.
It’s crazy that people will destroy their own lives just to tell trans people which bathroom to use. 🙄
The solution is simple, but not easy: Stop using their products. A mass exodus of their users will quickly take away their power.
Stop using all Alphabet/Google products. Other search engines, email providers, streaming video, and even cell phone operating systems exist. Switch to them.
Stop using all Meta products. Other social networks and messaging applications exist. Switch to them.
Stop buying from Amazon and watching their streams. Other online stores and streaming media exists. Switch to them.
Keep going for every company who has a billionaire CEO, owner, or shareholder. Their fortunes will evaporate quickly.
If you couldn’t tell this isn’t a political war, it’s a class war. We need to stand up to these mega corporations because their billionaire CEOs are the root cause of this issue and we’re all happily donating money to them by letting them use our data for free.
Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon… They are all actively involved in every other “important thing” you could mention.
As much as it will suck for the people, I feel like shutting down the government may be the best move to stop the current administration from tearing it apart further.
I’ve definitely heard the whole rationale that bitumen needs special refineries that we don’t have, but I’m perplexed if that would somehow be a net economic loss.
Sure, maybe it would take a large investment and a long time to recoup, but to take a play out of the capitalism playbook: think of all the jobs it would create not only building but also operating these refineries in addition to the national security of having these domestically.
I love how Alberta is always talking about who to sell our oil to and how to move it out of the country faster, but never how to get more domestic refineries to process it ourselves so we could have domestic sources of gasoline and other petrochemical products… 🤷
Would it destroy him? No. Would it drive a wedge between his fragile ego and his billionaire buddies? Absolutely.
It’s not, they just wanted to tap into the Deepseek is bad narrative to get more clicks.
I’ve been moving over to Fastmail. Easy to use, tons of features, great price. 👍
Also quick tip regardless of which provider you end up on: Register a domain name for yourself and use it for your email address. This way if you want to change email providers again in the future or even host it yourself, you can take your domain name and addresses with you.
The party is also controlled by corporate interests because money is the most important thing in politics now. To change the party you will need many, many millions of dollars. Don’t have that? Gee sucks to not be a billionaire. 🤷
The big money and corporate donors to the Democratic Party would never allow someone like AOC or Bernie to lead the party.
They tested one of the highly distilled models and offered zero comparison of other leading models which all are susceptible to jailbreaking too. This article is a waste of electricity.
Maybe neither Democrats or Republicans are to blame, but instead it’s the wealthy capitalists who have been using their growing money and influence to force both political parties into supporting a genocide.
Plenty of CEOs of major US companies have shown their support for Israel, but very few have even acknowledge Palestine. The rest of us are just peasants living under the lie that our votes actually could meaningfully change this.
Travel to Beijing, open up Google search, and see if it gives you any historically accurate results about what happened there.
I’m serious, it sounds like you could use a lesson in freedom and the world outside your country.