• 109 Posts
Joined 2 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月18日


  • The only way to generate CSAM is by abusing children and taking pictures/videos of it.

    Society has decided otherwise, as I wrote, you can’t have your own facts or definitions. You might as well claim that in traffic red means go, because you have your own interpretation of how traffic lights should work.
    Red is legally decided to mean stop, so that’s how it is, that’s how our society works by definition.

  • Responsible to who?
    Of course they will sell if there’s a profit to be made. Companies exist to make profits, if they can make a profit from it, it’s actually their responsibility to the shareholders to do it.

    Maybe you mean responsible in some way that has to do with morals, but if you think morals apart from staying within the law, have any say in this whatsoever, you are being very naive. That’s not at all how the system works.

    That said I don’t see any other way than corruption for Musk to be interested. Musk buys Intel, and Trump doubles the subsidies to Intel and give them extra sweet government contracts. And everybody profit, except the stupid taxpayers including those that voted Trump.

    Only the law helps super capitalist narcissists to stay at least somewhat within moral norms.
    And in USA the law doesn’t even count anymore. So there you go, everything is fucked up, until Americans figure it out. Which means it will be fucked up for a loooong time.

  • True, but as it is now, farmers in EU are actually paid for NOT farming as much as they can. EU can increase production significantly within a year. But yes that would mean that prices would increase on some products, but I don’t think it would increase very much on meat, although it would probably make fodder a bit more expensive.

    EU has capacity for significant surplus production overall, and we could shift a lot of imported products to products grown in the EU.

  • det jo netop ikke skader noget

    Det kan man måske påstå, men hvis folk tror på “behandlingen” kan det betyde de ikke søger reel behandling, og hvis folk “misbruger” bet, kan det have negativ økonomisk effekt.
    Så jeg er ikke sikker på man kan påstå at bare fordi vand er relativt uskadeligt, er det derfor også uskadeligt at påstå det virker som medicin.

    Men ellers enig i at pseudomedicin er humbug.

    Ja det er lige nøjagtigt det jeg mener. Det er bedrageri uanset om så dem der bruger det tror på besynderlige historier om gavnlige vibrationer i vandet. Det er dokumenteret at det ikke virker.
    Homøopati burde være ulovligt af samme årsag som pyramidespil er det.

    Der er en chance for at folk ville blive større modstandere af rigtig medicin hvis man gjorde pseudomedicin forbudt.

    Kunne der ikke også være en chance for at nogle af dem der er mere fornuftige, erkender at der er en grund til at man forbyder det?
    Men som jeg skrev, kunne man som kompromis sige at det skal være mærket som placebo.